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Lakelands is good, the service is quick, creatand craft are hit and miss on delivery, or another one is liz-craft, also good service, if you are after small amounts then look around the f

french shops or ask friends in England to post you things


tricia b

I order mine from lakelands and liz, and wait until I am back in the u.k. and buy there.

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  • 3 months later...

As a cardmaker here in the UK, I tend to buy from Hobbycrafts stores. However, I have found that ebay.co.uk have a section under crafts-cardmaking. There are people on there who have ebay shops and their prices are very keen. I have not been disappointed yet!

Good Luck ( I shall be over there in the near future as a permanent resident all being well) and so I shall be using ebay myself quite a lot.



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  • 1 month later...

In the Uk i made handmade cards and sold to families and work colleagues, i also managed to have a small supply in a local cafe and shop, however, since moving to France, i have been unable to sell any cards - i love making them but there are only so many you can send to friends and family. The choice of cards here in the shops is appalling - i can't bear to pay 3-4 euros on a tacky card.

Does anybody have any useful tips on marketing your cards? i imagine you would have to registered to sell them - you'd have to sell several hundred cards though to make it worthwhile! I pondered over the idea of having a market stall from which to sell them - but it's hard to "test the water" without the legal requirements. I have also found it impossible to approach small shops to see if they are willing to sell some cards - language is the major barrier.


I have ordered supplies from a UK company - something like Handy hippo - cheap and very efficiant postage rates.


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Have seen handmade cards selling well in Spanish markets with large English resident /holidaymaker population.

I bought lots last year to cover requirements this year only to find La Poste are now selling good quality cards in the 2 to 3 euro bracket..

Perhaps you need to find outlets in areas dominated by English habitants/tourists.

Good Luck


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