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Sunday's rugby: France vs England.

The locals are nervous - let's all try to make them even more so. Around here, nobody would admit to having watched their loss to Scotland the following day.

I think that I entered in to a bet last Sat night over the result and that I pay for lunch if France win.

Offers on the score?  I'll start it off with 20-27 (to us, of course). 

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Just got back to my digs for the night. I bought tickets and somebody gave me a lift to a game of rugby. I thought I was at the Stade de France but all I saw were a bunch of chaps in white shirts playing terrible rubgy and having their arse whipped by a bunch of chaps in blue. This was obviously the 3rd team, where was the real match played? You know the one where we whip the French. Tonight I am trying to get very drunk to forget. Mind you had a bet on Italy (much safer), I must get something for a draw.

More seriously that must of been the worst game of international rugby I have ever seen England play for many a year. It was so bad that a lot of English supporters left about 10 minutes before the end. It's going to murder at the rugby next weekend, I suspect my French mates will be gloating for the whole match.

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I woke up this morning and realised it wasn't a dream, probabley more of a nightmare!!!!

England had no plan B and I think they were struggling to even find a plan A. England played nearly as baddly as Wales did on Saturday.

Oh well back to the drawing board.

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Don't know what's worse - having to pay money and witness it live Quillan, or put up with the (charitable) and sympathetic commiserations that I got from our builder, electrician et al this morning!

Mark you, France weren't all that convincing either, were they?

Just heard that we lost the Test as well, so there's no much hope is there?  

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Fortunally the tickets were only 35€ each through our rugby club (pays to be a member). I flew up with a mate from the UK in a light aircraft, I don't think we spoke a word all the way back as we were still in a state of shock Makes you wonder if the English team actually did turn up at all. No the French were not inspiring and their try's were at the expense of poor play by the English team. The kicking was terrible resulting at one time in a nice rally back and forth which was totally pointless. I think it's time to be ruthless now, if people don't play well for the Ireland match they should be out for the world cup. I see the calculations work out like this (a lot of 'what if's' here).:

If France beat Wales in Cardiff next Saturday they will win the Six Nations title, unless Ireland beat England by at least 30 points at Twickenham.

In that instance, Ireland would claim their first championship since 1985.

If France lose, Ireland would just need to beat England, while England could also still win the title if they were to beat Ireland by at least 40 points.

Scotland would need a 60-point plus win in Italy, while Wales will finish last if they lose and Italy beat Scotland.

As I said a lot of what if's but as somebody said it's not impossible, mind you I sure we say some flying pigs on the way back.


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Laughed my head off when I saw that result. What's happened to England? They won the world cup 3 years ago and they've gone downhill at a tremendous rate. Don't have the lasting power of the Aussies or Kiwis.

I'm happy because I live in France now and France is my team now because of that. Nice to be able to switch nationality (if only in your own mind) isn't it?

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I thought that after the Scotland defeat that the silver lining was that with that wake-up call England could think again and actually plan how to approach the next world cup. But no, the same team were selected. Denial.


When the lurcher, dalmation and myself saw Martin Correy interviewed before the match, we agreed that as far as rabbits caught in the headlights went, he looked truly doomed. At least he knew that the team who lost to Scotland were not going to get lucky.


The lurcher and dalmation left the sofa to hunt for real rabbits (about as much hope of finding these on the towpath towards Hammersmith as of one of our fine boys in white scoring a breakaway try – what with all the foxes who live adjacent to the Slimbridge-style wildlife centre there). They were lucky to have missed the match.


The majority of les bleus were over 30. Matt Dawson, (only on the bench at Wasps) galloping gut-rot notwithstanding, looked our best player even in retreat  He was one of the very few England players who played in the last victory over les bleus in Paris. You can take a world cup winning team and replace a few players and still have a good unit, change almost all of them and it is a bit like George Washington’s original hatchet on display in Washington – two new handles and one new blade.


Makes me nostalgic for Austin Healey, Ian Balshaw and Mike Catt.


I never thought that I would be nostalgic for Mike Catt.

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It's 'in the bag' for the French and deservedly so (though my predictions aren't all that good!)

We won the World Cup because we had 3 or 4 world class players in the team (Johnson, Wilkinson, Dawson, Hill), with most of the rest of the team who were all good national-side players and who were fit and in form.

With respect to Matt Dawson (who I agree is still playing well), there isn't anybody of world class in the team just now, and many of them would struggle to make it into the other national sides. We shouldn't really be surprised.

For some reason, Woodward seems to have been getting a bit of flak recently. All this just shows how astute he was / is + he had that all-too-rare knack of quitting when he was ahead.    

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You can't blame Woody for this although I know many will, it's the same with any manager/coach in any sport really. It's not as if it came as a suprise to anyone when he went, he had been talking about it for a while. What I can't undersand is why (and his name escapes me) they didn't make his second in command head coach. After all he at least knew the routine and the players.
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Whats footie? Oh I know its that strange game the peasants like to play with a strange round ball and  jackets for posts. Full of people trying to be actors by falling over and claiming somebody hurt them. Probably one of, if not the most, disgracefull sports in the world, worse even tha fox hunting and bear baiting and should be banned. I mean how can you take a sport seriously when you have a 'captain' married to a Spice girl, well come on now it's got to be a joke. I hear 'He' even went to see dear, dear, Johnny W for some tips after the world cup (where he participated in the ultimate cockup) , I think the best tip Johnny gave him was that the ball was suppose to go under the bar in football and not over. Football, as lively as tennis, golf , watching grass grow or paint dry, bit like rugby league.
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Sorry Quillan, I,m female.  Dont care what ball goes where to be honest.  Just a nice bit of eye candy during the summer months.  Lucky old posh spice.  Big sweaty rugby players dont do it for me.

There, I will leave you now to discuss your knock ons and interceptions.  Oh mind you Roony hasnt got a hope in hell!!

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Sorry Quillan, I,m female.  Dont care what ball goes where to be honest.  Just a nice bit of eye candy during the summer months.  Lucky old posh spice.  Big sweaty rugby players dont do it for me.

There, I will leave you now to discuss your knock ons and interceptions.  Oh mind you Roony hasnt got a hope in hell!!


Why are you sorry to be a woman? I am a lesbian and I’m not sorry. Sweaty things on men don’t do much for me either, give me a woman any day.

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