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Would we fit in?

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Hi, we have been considering a move to france for some time now, around the Orthez, Salies area and I was wondering if anyone around our 'age'  could share there experience of a move?  I am 33 and my other half is 35 and we have a  7 month old son - the plan is for Dan to continue working in the UK/worldwide (he works freelance within the film industry) so Sonny and I would be alone frequently during the week, we dont yet speak the lingo but look forward to learning this the most! would we fit in in this area? I might just add that Dan is a very outdoor person to so I need to cover all of his outdoor pursuits too!

Any advice would help!  Cheers, Keely

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I don’t know the area and my own personal situation is very different from yours. However, as a general experience I believe most people are looking for similar things out of life. If you speak fluent French, great, if not and you are prepared to try then no problem (it is appreciated). I’ve found a few people who tend to keep their distance. Friendly enough if I talk to them but I think they regard the language issue (my poor French) more of a problem. Most others are very welcoming, endure my abuse of their language, try to help, are friendly, etc. any seem to go out of their way to make sure I’m included in things. (I speak very poor French)

I think it is important to make the effort. Do not expect to move in and have everybody rushing round to meet you. You will probably have to get out, get involved and do things to meet people. As anywhere in any country, you will probably make a few good friends, get to know quite a few people and find a few who you do not get on with. However, it will probably be great fun.

However, remember I’m in a different area and different personal situation so cannot say what you should expect. Also, I have only my own experience and am thus no expert.


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I would echo all of the above, but also mention the following....

How often is your partner planning to return?  Because trust me it is ten times tougher than you think it will be.  You have to deal with registering for health care, doctors, dentists, car, insurance etc etc & if you don't speak french it can be really hard work. I know from experience. Don't get me wrong, it is strangely satisfying doing all this. I only speak a limited amount of french & these forums are invaluable, but it's the seperation from your partner for you both that you need to think about.

I live in a different area to you and I have been lucky. I have fantastic french neighbours, I have met quite few people & things have been ok. But the hardest thing of all is the seperation from my partner. If I can offer you any advice it would be this, think long and hard about moving unless you know for sure your partner will be home regularly; because if there is a nightime drama or daytime for that matter - and with kids there always is, you are long way from home when no-one is with you and you don't speak the language.

I'm really not trying to be neggy, just realistic. I truely wish you all the best.

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Don't know about that area in particular, but in general don't expect the thriving 'parent and toddler' scene that exists in the UK. What play groups there are are mostly 'halte garderies' - the idea being that you drop the kid there and then go off and have your hair cut or whatever, not that you stay and chat to other mums.


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