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Friday Nights Down The Pub (Department 79)

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Bloody hell - I only wanted to see if anyone fancied a pint down the pub with someone who doesn't need a zimmer frame to walk around HyperU [:D]

I really couldn't care less about stuffed kittens, stale bread or lack of taxis - I just fancy a pint with someone who is on the same wavelength as me (Dave - see you on Friday [:)] ) and as the rest of you are not in my region, age group, on my wavelength or interested in a beer on Friday night in Parthenay then I really can't see why you are posting on this thread.

By the way, Renaud - my previous job meant I spent most of my time abroad and as such I am fluent in Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese and French. I don't need to socialise with PhD's, millionaires or anyone else with a status problem - I want to have a pint, with someone with a decent sense of humour and not someone who's going to bore the pants of me with tales of WWII, French Resistance, Swinging Sixties and the Winter of Discontent.

So, to reitreate - the purpose of this thread was to see if anyone under the age of 45 fancies meeting down the pub on Fridays in Parthenay (department 79).

If you do, let me know, if not - can I respectfully request that you refrain from posting on this thread.



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I want to have a pint, with someone with a decent sense of humour and not someone who's going to bore the pants of me with tales of WWII, French Resistance, Swinging Sixties and the Winter of Discontent.

Hmmm........ not sure exactly who's the bore here [;-)]

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[Www]Dave, Dan ,

It's hardly a 'mass debate', it's just people talking on a forum, about their perception of the post which invited people to 'the pub' for a drink.

[quote user="Dan Golding"]....If you do, let me know, if not - can I respectfully request that you refrain from posting on this thread. [/quote]

Respectfully, no, because it's a public forum, and even though you started it, you don't 'own' this thread.

Opalienne mentioned the nice bar in her area before.

I have found one since that early bad experience, (which turned out to be just as TU described).

I still couldn't turn up to this one completely grubby, but I have got used to that, and it's fine at lunchtime, as it's a bar/restaraunt, and a fine range of people are in there every time we pop in.

In the evening though, the 'going for a few pints after working hard' here is so different. It's more like 'going for 2 halves'  OR  'going for more drinks than you can possibly handle'.

No happy middle ground. Not one I understand, anyway. 

It isn't like a 'pub', which is why I was so intigued as to whether there was really a 'pub' in Parthenay.

That said,  no one has said a topic of conversation is unnaceptable, except when I start up about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Probably my accent  [;-)]




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Oh Dear Dan!

What have you started you little devil? We would join you down the pub on a Friday if we weren't too old, but instead we'll probably be sitting in front of the tele in the community room, dribbling down our fronts!

Love from two old wrinklies in Dept 86

Haze and Chris

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]I wonder if they had a nice time together

last friday.  Fingers crossed they will come back and let us


My spies tell me they were last seen on the route to Niort doing the

Hokey Cokey...............with arms stretched, knees bent,

rah.... [:D]

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Hmmm, it seems the 'action' in Parthenay is the same as many places around France. The local teens here don't seem to go out at night and they aren't in the habit of having parties either so the social drought dosen't just affect us 20 to 40-somethings.  If you are reeeally desperate you could always exeperience a night out by seeing a film at the local foyer rural. We walked out after 40 minutes of crying babies, technical faults, loud conversations and the fellow next to me using me as a prop for his arm while he aimed his camcorder at the screen. You could always start a swingers club...


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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a bit early just yet but I am waiting to sign my act de vente on a property just outside of Partenay, hope to move in early August and will be there on and off during the years, I have alreaddy found a bar next to the river, (looking for a fishing spot) just up the road from me at Geoges, I understand it is owned by a Brit and may allow to kill two birds with one stone so to speak allowing me to have a beer and talk in English just like in the old country.


Dave  [B]

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