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Caravan registration in France -

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Can someone help us? Our friends have a Dethleffs caravan that they would like to sell in France, but the caravan was bought in Belgium and has British plates/ registration! Our friends who are getting on a bit would like to sell this hardly ever -used caravan , but have been told that to sell it in France, where it is in storage at the moment 'chez nous', the caravan must have a 'carte grise'! To get this 'carte grise'  , it needs to be taken to 14200 Hérouville St Clair, near Caen, for it to conform to norme NFS 56200 ''a gas conformity). We only have French plates and can therefore not tow it there for them, and they are now in the U.K. for the foreseeable future. Is there any way round this problem?

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You may get more response in the 'Driving in France' section.

I'm currently trying to get my UK caravan registered here in France and the cost of conformity is steadiy rising; the gas test costs around 200 euros I believe, and I have lamps and reflectors to add, and some internal UK-French electrical changes to make.

I think that if your friends are going to sell the caravan they should do it in UK, or at least, not in France. The simplest way to remove the caravan would be by towing with a UK car, with the corresponding reg plate on the back of the caravan.


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Just did a search for you using the box at the top of the forum page.  Click here to go to the thread:

Register caravan

There's someone here who has done a fact sheet on registering a caravan - it was posted end of last year but their email button is still active, I think.  Perhaps they can help.


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Thank you so much for your reply! I think I'm going to tell our friends it would be better to sell the caravan in the U.K. It does seem far more complicated to sell it here!



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Thanks for trying to solve our problem! It does seem complicated to get it registered in France and we think their best bet might well be to take the caravan back to the U.K.



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