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World Cup togger


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[quote user="Cassis"]Can you imagine how disappointed everyone in England will be if the team continues to misfire and yet comes out at the end of the tournament with the World Cup?  I imagine we would insist on giving it back.


I'll have a pint of what you're on please Cassis [B] [;-)]

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Ah but they didn't mention if it was an Englishman putting the bet on tho?? Just a man in Inverness, could've been the Loch Ness Monster in disguise, now that i could believe [;-)] And it said that Tony Blair said ; they should support their neighbours' well i did and they were unlucky to draw with England [:P]

Anyway, quick round up, bin Beckham and you will beat Ecuador by the odd goal, next could be portugal............... singalong with me, cheerio cheerio cheerio

If you want to watch real footie, tonight on tv Argentine v Holland  even resting players it should be a belter.

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[quote user="hughmandy"]
If you want to watch real footie, tonight on tv Argentine v Holland  even resting players it should be a belter.

It should have been - but it wasn't!! 

Did you hear about the 7 year old boy & the disabled man in Scotland, today, who were beaten up - for wearing England shirts?  Disgusting, isn't a strong enough word. 

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I watched the second Swedish goal last night and was reminded of the old Swedes 2 Turnips 1 (if I recall correctly although I'm sure someone will correct me if it's wrong)  headline in the Sun. At least it was a draw, the first half was good and we won the group.

Awful news regarding Owen but remember Greaves, the star striker in 66 and Hurst; look what happened, although I really can't imagine Crouch scoring 3 in the final.

Call me an optimist if you like but optimists live longer.


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If ever a manager let his men down !!

 I believe we have just witnessed the worst tactician in soccer

tonight. I cannot see how his mind works but to play with one forward

is just about the craziest thing ever. It is the World Cup for goodness

sake. Cup games are all about one off games and by sitting back with 6

midfield and 4 defenders against countries of the quality in this world

cup shows just how terribly poor this Swede has been in his tactics.

Now he has gone and we have his number two to look forwar. So why do I

see no future for our country, unless he has a number two who

influences him enough to encourage atacking tactics ! After all, isn't

attack the best form of defence !

Still my main bets are still running !

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France will win the World Cup.  & not just because of tonights preformance - which was stunning!! [:D]

Why? - I realised last night (although I had had a few valium [blink] ) that I could be the French teams lucky charm!!

I was born, in the UK, the year England won the World Cup & I'm moving to France ..... the year France win the World Cup!!  [:-))]  It's got to be an omen!! 

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Chris, I was supporting France in all their games, and England in theirs.  

Seeing France and Brazil made me realise how poor England were in many ways. All that faffing about, so very few attacks, losing the ball, and not challenging for it when out of possession.

I'm very sorry England are out. At least they went out with genuine pluck (10 men against 11 for most of the match), but tonights match really demonstrated that pluck isn't enough. The French didn't stop once they'd scored. They carried on going for goal, and they were great in defense.

I loved that game. If only all football could be that way.[:D]

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We didn't deserve to win, though Portugal weren't much better.

No matter how many times I see it, I still don't think that Rooney's foul was deliberate, but we were better once he went off anyway. He simply wasn't better than 70% fit.

As for C Ronaldo, his cynical winding up of the ref and subsequent wink to the bench, showed the worst aspect of football. I hope that MU dump him unceremoniously: bet they won't.

Germany will win it & deserve to on the basis of the last few games. 

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I thought England played in a good spirit and to the best of their ability. There's no shame in that, and the media coverage today has been pretty poor in suggesting that there is. It's enough to say well done, the luck didn't go with them, now we move on.

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Isn't Sven paid 4 million pounds a year for the buck to stop with him ? He chose the squad, the formations etc, and while we were are at it, in the commercial world, often when someone is going to leave their job, their exit is immediate. Perhaps this would have been the better way.

His successor hardly looks lean and hungry for success - I hope the FA have made the right choice.


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for what it's worth, the 120 minutes of play, and the deliberations of should he / why didn't he / if only, became irrelevant when it came to penalties.

it was then just 5 v 5, and yet again our much vaunted midfield, ( frank lampard, 2nd best player in the world ?  yeah, right ) choked.

players who take penalties for their clubs and score regularly where found wanting on the big stage.

and as for putting carragher on for the penalties, he's only ever taken 2 before, not what you would call experienced, 'i just told the gaffa that i fancied it ' .

bravo owen hargreaves, it was a pity that steven gerrard and frank lampard didn't bother to turn up and give you some support.




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Years ago at Chelsea, I remember hearing a quote from Tommy Docherty.

He said that if you place a football and put two players 5 metres away

from the ball, then ask them to win the ball and the same player wins

it 5 out of 5...where is the luck in that. If you have one player score

5 consecutive penalties and the other misses all his, where is the luck

in that ?

Luck you have to earn in any activity and with this manager totally at

a loss with tactics on the World platform, my guess is that the players

also felt at a loss in how they should play. Five midfield and 5

defenders and this a cup competition, how did he expect to win it ?

Playing Wayne Rooney up front and asking him to run continously after

hopeless causes, was a ridiculous error in tactics that no one on here

would make. Sure Sven now wants people to leave him alone and yes I

agree with that. Sven knows it was mostly his fault that Rooney finally

snapped, most ex and present pros saw that coming the minute the line

up was anounced. From start to finish, the tactcs we used were one off

affairs, after 5½ years, we were still not anywhere near settledtactically and my bet is that

the players themselves knew they probably should have gone on but the

managers tactics were simply not the kind that would see the best out of the


Move on yes, that's all we ever do!! Big Phil was offered the job (and

now how good would that have been) but said he could not accept it

while he was manager of the Portugal side, so why did the FA not wait

for the best man........well knowing the FA, the tabloids forced their

hand as ever !

Yes, John Terry for skipper.

Don't know about Lampard and Gerrard, although both had poor

tournaments,  Beckham didn't even get to Germany did he, oh yes a

free kick gainst Ecuador and now has the audacity to say that he would

have resigned the captaincy, once he had the World Cup in his hand. Yes

of course you would have David.......!! Why could he not have just

resigned without that rather lame add on but then Beck & Posh are

now full time celebrities and not just a soccer player  ! Thanks

for the memories and ..move on David.

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Don't disagree with any of that, we mean different things by 'luck'. There are just some days when it goes your way and others when it doesn't. If it runs your way you can perform wonderful things. It isn't chance, you can make it yourself with self-belief, I agree.

How focussed and motivated are some of the players now? Like the Beckinghams? I'm not sure. A lot pf protecting the brand going on. I thought Ferdinand looked genuinely devastated, though.

On the case of Rooney I think he was over-motivated. As you well know, performance rises with motivation but only so far, and then it falls away again, and errors and misjudgements creep in until the player/performer is incapable of playing at all. Did Sven and the hysterical media over-motivate Rooney? Judge from the results...

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Miki

On the case of Rooney I think he was over-motivated. As you well know, performance rises with motivation but only so far, and then it falls away again, and errors and misjudgements creep in until the player/performer is incapable of playing at all. Did Sven and the hysterical media over-motivate Rooney? Judge from the results...


Remember the boy Gascoigne?

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