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re fishing rights for lake

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hi all ,  can anyone tell me or should i say explain to me the rules and regs reguarding lakes  ie fishing lake .   as i stated in my last post it is my intention to aquire a lake approx 1 hect. what rules govern such waters as this . i wouldnt be using it as a commercial fishery . i would just use it for private use . do i need to get a licence .  can i fish it  if i cant  empty it  etc etc  .  i see so many diferent article  s on this subject it  all becomes confusing  also i read somewhere about a 4  ticket licence or something   any ideas anyone  help   colin
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Ordinarily you don't need a licence for a spring fed lake.  If the lake has a stream going into it then it is classed as 'public water' and you do need a licence and have to stick within the fishing season and also may be restricted with regards to night fishing.  If the lake is surrounded by your own land then noone else can fish it without your permission, whether it is 'public water' or not.  This is the general rule but there may be exceptions so you need to clarify the exact situation of your lake before buying it. 

I believe there are new laws being implemented about fishing lakes and you do need to be able to empty it to clean it out, so if there are no facilities to do this now then you may need to install them.  A man who knows all this stuff (and is quite happy to answer questions on the phone) is Neil Wilson at this place: http://www.bailletfisheryservices.com/4654.html and he also supplies fish stocks quite cheaply compared to anywhere else we've seen - and will take away your existing stocks in part ex if you have lots of fish that are too small, for instance.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Interesting article, my lake has a waterfall at one end, and the other across the road is another lake owned by another landowner, the inlet is not a stream, more like water seeping through the grass and bog,we are fuly enclosed so l am not sure whether we are public water or not. I suppose l will have to go to the maire and find out, the local mayor fishes in the lake so might get some straight forward answers.

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We have a licence for our lake which came with the house and has to be renewed every 30 years.  Can't remember with whom, Dept of Agriculture or something like.  This also states the rules and regs for the lake.  ie only emptying at certain times of year, only certain types of fish allowed, no swimming etc.  Our lake is fed by a small river so maybe this is different.


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