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Im just wondering if there are any Falconners/Austringers about in France? Im currently training as a Falconner and would to love to continue as a hobby when my husband and myself move to France (dep 36). From what i have heard it's practically unheard of in France? I fly common buzzards and Male and Female Harris Hawks but also will be flying Lanner Falcons (prob just a lannerette when living in France! )

Would i need a permis de chasse as flying hawks would hunt?


Many Thanks


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There are daily falconry displays throughout the summer at Chateau des Milandes in 24. They even fly an American ? bald ? eagle. A huge thing.

There used to be a couple who were forum members who were falconers, but I haven't seen them post for ages.

Maybe they're still out there somewhere and can advise you.


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They sound huge, that must be very scary, at least it would be for me. [:)] Stacey, it is something that has always fascinated me, it must be an amazing experience to work with these wonderful birds. I didn't realise Milandes had this sort of thing, I have never been there so after Hoddy's comment will definitely go this summer.


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WOW! What a responce!! Thanks to everyone i have now got a basis to do more research! As for my french im learning with a private tutor and slowly getting there. Im already a member of 1 international falconry forum but there appears to be none from france so i will attempt a peek at the other.



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There are numerous rapaces around here but I'm useless at identifying them.  Buses and kestrels are easy, but when it comes to the others (and there are several others we see regularly) I haven't a clue.  There's one that comes regularly to sit under the barn overhang at twilight but it's too dim to see what he is.

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"There's one that comes regularly to sit under the barn overhang at twilight but it's too dim to see what he is."

Most likely a kestrel, Phil, only a few birds of prey will do that, and there are probably less species of rapace in your region than you think, half a dozen or so.


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Sorry for the delay in replying.

I would think that you would certainly have the following in your general region, Phil.

Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Honey Buzzard, Kestrel, Hen Harrier, Montague's Harrier.

Maybe Marsh Harrier and  Peregrine.      Merlin and Hobby at some times of the year.

Owls... Tawny, Long Eared, Barn, Little.    Possibly Scops (your more or less on their northern limit but there probably are some) and Short Eared (if you have lakes and marsh type habitat around).

Not many of these would use a barn or hanger type of place to roost at night, Kestrel, Little Owl, Barn Owl, and maybe, just maybe Tawny Owl, Long Eared Owl and Hobby.

So, something to be going on with, Chris




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[quote user="WJT"]

They sound huge, that must be very scary, at least it would be for me. [:)] Stacey, it is something that has always fascinated me, it must be an amazing experience to work with these wonderful birds. I didn't realise Milandes had this sort of thing, I have never been there so after Hoddy's comment will definitely go this summer. [/quote]

I've seen this display twice, it's excellent. They fly an Eagle Owl too.

Oh, and Milandes is well worth a visit..........if a little sad when you get to the end[:(]


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