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It was great to win at last but pls don't get too excited - after all it was only Scotland (and bribing the video ref always helps). AFAIK the next one is against Italy, still no serious opposition.

But you can't win the Triple Crown, Grand Slam, World Cup unless you beat them all however weak.




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Well done England..........je suis gallois.

We will know better the way things are going to go after Cardiff tomorrow afternoon.

Might just once more come down in the end to France and England but we shall see.  When are they playing is it two to three weeks time or at the end of the tournament.

As to Mr Wilkinson a few stitches without any pain killers does not stand up to JPR when playing for Bridgend against the All Blacks at the Brewery Field and when some studs accidentally caught one side of his face and you could see the blood ozing through the mud from a hundred yards away.  Legend suggests that he stitched up his own face (for he is of course a Consultant Surgeon) but of course it was his Father (a GP) who put some fifteen stitches in and back on to the field came JPR.

Times move on but those where the times when you had to be born in Yorkshire to play cricket for the county and England Wales Scotland and Ireland were composed of 'true blooded' patriots we did not have scrum halves who were born in Gwent playing for England or a Kiwi who said his grandmother came from Cwm playing for Wales or the second row again from New Zealand or a South African who played for England and still plays outside half. And of course a Rugby league centre who was paid for by HQ playing outside Mr Wilkinson and who is a brilliant player.  No doubt about that.

Still does it make for more interesting times?

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I remeber that, the Super Bowl was on at the same time on another channel and I was dating an american girl at the time. I had to switch back and forth between the cannels and she was amazed when he came back on with a load of tape round his head. She then understood that American Football is for girls and rugby for men.

No it was not a try.

First there was God then there was Jonny Wilkinson [:D] .

I thought it was a brilliant game and an excellent selection.

Personally I think Ellis was man of the match.

See the odds have changed, Ireland are now 13/8 and England have moved up to 9/4

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

Well done England..........je suis gallois.

We will know better the way things are going to go after Cardiff tomorrow afternoon.  [/quote]


Oh! Llwyncelyn bach... if only you were in Wales... You should feel the trepidation in the air at the moment.... Many a boyo in our little town here, isn't gonna sleep tonight for that big match tomorrow.

As an 'outsider' I think the Irish are going to win actually... These little green leprichauns are to be feared at the moment.... That O'Driscoll has a lot of respect from his men and he certinly does galvanise them for victory.... The Welsh had a set back with Gareth Thomas out and rumours are that he is to be ditched altogether....

But it all happens on the day so....

Found this... maybe you'd care to put up your own Welsh team... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/welsh/squad_selector/default.stm also one for the Irish, English and Scottish teams and NONE for the French team... Bias!.... [:(] 


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Monsieur Superboot est revenu!! As the French commentators must surely have said. M'boy's back and I can once again enjoy watching England play.  It was good to see Jason back too.  Even our South African guests thought Jonny was brilliant and although he disputed the try on first viewing, he agreed it was definitely a try on seeing the replay, and he was a rugby pro in South Africa.
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Hi Cassis I am sorry I got one part of it wrong.  The scrum half of course was?   Perhaps it would be good fun if we all sat down and made a list of those who in more conventional times would not have played for their country.

Scrum half............Dewi Morris born of a Welsh parent in a place called Powys.....and who did he play for?

And please do not take me down the road of cricket (and that game is my first love despite being very obviously a proud Welshman) The names keep on coming and the first on my list is of course one Alan Lamb he with Botham and who had their day in court. They did not win.

Still Cardiff will be buzzing this afternoon and we will all fight our corner and say that our capital cities are somewhat special on international days.  For me its obviously Cardiff followed by Dublin and that and its citizens is some special place.


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Incidentally, as we are all getting excited about our own nations winning [:D] (or not  [:(]...will see today...) have a look at this website selling tickets for the World Cup in Sept/Oct. :


The price of them!!! For the final at Stade de France they go from £734  up to £1345 !! [:-))]

Do you get a glass of bubbly and a room at the Ritz thrown in ?....

.....better get the house remortgaged if I want a super treat for my special month then .........

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I heard someone say last night that it was 'only Scotland' that England were playing. Well they beat England last year.

Ashton made several controversial selections that all paid off, all credit to the man. I was feeling a tad sorry for Andy Robinson, till I heard that before the match he said that he would not have played Wilkinson had he been in charge.

Sadly, I doubt that JW will last the championship as every team will see him as their main danger and will look to take him out. It was a measure of the English back rows effectivness that the Scotts did not manage this.

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But of course if they come up against a better back row....................as you say JW is worth quite a few points before he starts but of course the back line is also very good. 

The French guy who plays for Sale in the back row.......................I have forgotten his name but not his performance he can make the yards and is truly dangerous.  You would not like him breathing down your neck or throat or whatever.

Still the season starts this afternoon in Cardiff.

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Sebastien Chaval?  The wolfman?  He had a great game for France.

[quote user="Coco"]Monsieur Superboot est revenu!! As the French

commentators must surely have said. M'boy's back and I can once again

enjoy watching England play.  It was good to see Jason back too.  Even

our South African guests thought Jonny was brilliant and although he

disputed the try on first viewing, he agreed it was definitely a try on

seeing the replay, and he was a rugby pro in South Africa.[/quote]

I thought Jonny's right (?) toe went in touch over the sideline momentarily but then was up in the air again at the moment the ball was downed - if so, technically "no try", but it was such a great move it deserved to be given. [;-)]

The French commentators referred to him throughout as Jonny "Three points" Wilkinson. [:D]

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I am totally upset.

No uk news at this end, no report in local paper and I thought the game was TODAY.

I didn't know about the match until I accessed the UK press this afternoon, Woe is me and more Woe!!!!!

Even a visiting French Engineer said the England game was today.

Was it shown on TV Cinq, thats my only hope for future matches.


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Cassis with the greatest of respect your view of the 'try' is through rose coloured glasses.  A try? that is like saying the Thames does not flow through London and it does not have it source near Cricklade.

I am like you a true patriot but a sense of balance is called for and it was not a try and there are those who have played the game at a professional level who totally agree.  Just because the build up to the try is first class does not again with respect justify an absolute cr..p decision.

Still it does not matter its a game there are more important things going on in this world at this moment in time.


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Not just the rose coloured glasses view though Llwyn, as I said, our South African guest, who was a professional rugby player, reluctantly, after viewing it a couple of times (having at first said NO WAY) had to admit that he believed it was the right decision. [:D]  What a comeback for the boy!  Not that it would have made the slightest difference to the result or Jonny being worthy of Man of the Match anyway, so indeed, what does it matter.
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