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Bringing Shotguns to France permanently

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I have owned double barrelled and semi auto 3 shot shotguns in the UK for some years and have a European Firearms Pass. I am a keen clay pigeon shooter and occasionally shoot game.

I want to bring these guns, 7 double barrelled and 2 semi-autos to France permanently.

Has any one done this? What are the pitfalls in France? Someone told me the semi-autos have to be declared;  how do you go about this?

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All guns need to be declared.

My guess is that you would need to apply for a local license, by joining a shooting club. Hunting licenses I have no clue about since I dont hunt.

Gun ownership is easier in France than in the UK.

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So if all guns need to be declared, which contradicts what I have been told previously, how does  one go about this?

My pal, who is in France at the moment, has just phoned me to say he has been at a car boot sale in La Vienne today where a French storeholder was trying to sell a .410 bolt action shotgun. How will that be declared?  Apparently there were hundreds of people at the sale so  it would seem to me that the Frenchman must either be very reckless or be singing from a different hymn sheet.

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There is some paper work that does need to be done by the seller. Forms that need to be filled and sent out.

However it does seem that sometimes people tend not to do it especially at boot sales. Which is of questionable legality and I wouldnt reccomend that.

You do need to show paperwork to buy ammunition, even if you can get a gun without any...

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