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riding lessons for 2 year old

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I can take advice, when asked for it!  Generally advice is given when asked!    I did not post this to ask advice about whether I should  take my child riding or not  but asking where I could! 
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A two year old ?

Legs won't reach past the saddle. Arms won't have enough strength to master the reins.

At best the child should just be lead around by an adult at two to become aquainted with horses, but lessons for a two year old, No.

Clearly you do need some advice ! [:(]

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No more advice needed please.......AGAIN....I was not asking for advice.  I am an accomplished rider so I can say I know what I am doing!

My child is nearly 3 - a tall one at that and believe it or not there are ponys in france! I have since found 3 established schools who take children from the age of 2.

Thank you for all PM's giving me names of schools or pointing me in the right direction - much appreciated.





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The great thing about a forum, Alex, is that you are at liberty to listen to advice or ignore it, that is your right.  But to say don't give it, is not in the spirit of this place, as Pierre says.  Others read these threads and they may think that it is OK to put a two-year-old on a pony - not understanding the inherent dangers, as you might.

At the yard where I trained as a riding instructor, the proprietor would not take any child under seven, let alone 2.  Sorry if you don't like it - but it's important to point these things out for the benefit of others who may not be such accomplished riders as you are.

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Hi All

I know of a riding school in 86 which is really very, very good.  They do though have classes from age 3.  The very little ones generally groom the ponies and have a quick trot around, which is all fine. 

It is awful though when they run the occasional 'open day' the last time they did this was at Xmas at about 8pm at night, we are all there freezing our bits off whilst these poor 3 year olds are forced on to the back of little ponies way past their bedtime with the associated tantrums, the poor little ponies didn't know what was going on, not only was it also way past their bed time but they had wailing banshees on their backs, not nice for anyone!

Having said all that the school is great and my son at 7 got on really well there, as did I with my first foray back in the saddle after about 15 years.  PM me if you anyone wants the details but do avoid the odd open day until the kids are a little older.

On an only ever so slightly different subject, I fancy a week away with my son with some riding thrown in, I've searched the web and can only find holidays for children 12+, anyone got any idea of where I might find bed, board and riding, area is unimportant.


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I keep repeating myself on this one.  Yes I am  all up for advice on a forum if what I was posting was "what do you think about taking riding lessons for a 2 year old".  But it was not! It's just plain annoying.

Its a bit like posting a thread "can anyone advise on an agent for selling my house I am moving to provence".  And you replying "why would you want to sell your house its looks lovely and why move to provence...... blaa blaa blaa".      

I do have to say I have found posting this subject very interesting, the amount of PM messages I have recieved, that have not wished to argue this point with you publicly, think it's hilarious that some people have got time and effort to go on about their points of view when not even asked.  I agree!

I now have the answer to my question - tired of this now - over and out!



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Sorry Alex

This is not a benign question and answer forum, for that go to AI (!).  On there you can ask, 'where can I buy a sausage and you will be told just that, you will not find much of a debate on such sites though, horses for courses and all that.

.. on here we do all try to share opinions, we don't always (or even often) agree but that's the point, is it not, of a forum...



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