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Xbox and PS2 - Gender specific?

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Have you ever met a woman who loves to play on an Xbox, PS etc.?

I just can't get into them at all, I have always worked in a technical IT type role and am more into that than my OH but I can't see the pull of these gadjets and he loves them as does my son.  So is it just a male/female thing and if so why would that be do you think?


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Your title a lot better than mine.

I have enough problems with other things like this forum then starting something else to do.

I hate paperwork and learning to play one of these games would be too much info for me to handle.

I did say that about computers and the internet though.

My son told me that a computer would aid me with writing and composing music. Mmph was my reply I have a pen. I can write the notes faster then the PC. I was a Luddite.

So xbox who knows.

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I am Can't do / Won't do when it comes to these wretched machines.   I neither understand them nor use them, but it keeps hubby out of the pub if nothing else!

Yes he is the original bloke who stated that "Computers are rubbish.   Why do people sit in front of them for hours on end?   Why do you kids sit there glued to that thing when you could be outside in the rain catching pneumonia...................." and all the rest of it.   Of course once he got "into" the Xbox, then when he discovered online where you can play against people from all over he world, well there was no holding him from then onwards.   One of the boys even bought him a subscription for the online for Christmas!   Needless to say that when we visit France we have to pack the ruddy Xbox to take with us, so he sits there in our Orne Farmhouse blasting ten bells out of the bosch in what looks rather like our back garden and the hamlet down the road.   Quite bizarre it is.

Same also applies to the internet which was    "Absolute rubbish. I can buy whatever I want in the shops............I don't need Google....etc etc.....".   Guess who spends all the time when not on the Xbox on the internet instead?   Yes dearest hubby - computer hater now addict!

Trumpet if you get one of these Xbox things or the Playstation at least your missus will always know where you are, that is attached by a cable to the telly and the machine, getting enraged by the opposition who pop up out of nowhere to blast you.   These are truly addictive.  [:'(]

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Yeah I think it's (mainly) a boy thing.  Sony and IBM have spent shedloads of dosh trying to attract the almost untapped market of girlys to gaming but it just doesn't seem to have worked (maybe all the marketing types are male .... Hmmmm)

Nintendo have had a bit of a breakthrough with the Wii as although it can't match the others for graphics/computing power the games are so much better!

Only trouble is now that when I'm driving  the family about and I hear 'I want a Wii' I don't know whether to find a loo or an electrical retail outlet!

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Ha, love that, I will offer my son the loo the next time he says 'can I have a wii'

It is odd though isn't it, that boys are so much more attracted to these things.  I can't fathom it at all, what is is that makes one gender addicted yet fails to impress hardly anyone of the opposite sex, is there a female equivalent of the gaming addiction?


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Ah but Trumpet, SHOPPING actually achieves something at the end of the day, ie. the fridge is stocked and you haven't run out of loo paper.   The Xbox takes Himself off into another parallel universe where he becomes "Sarge", bursting through doors, guns ablazin'.  On the other hand, sometimes a trip to ASDA makes me feel like doing the same.   Grrrrrrrrrrr   [:@]

Now shoe shopping............................ that is an entirely different matter of course.   And I do like a vide-grenier or brocante - if I can ever find the darned things as they never seem to signpost them and I drive around aimlessly for ages.   That is a good way of discovering the short-cuts back to the house though!

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