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What sport means to Paris


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My names Matt Genner, I'm a English travel writer. I'm currently starting a project writing about sporting cities in Europe and one of the cities I hope to include in my article is Paris. I hope to get to the heart of what sport means to the people in each of the cities and also show how it has impacted on their history.

I was hoping you could help me with my research before I visit Paris by answering a few questions. I have listed them below and would be grateful for any which you can reply to.

1) How does sport impact upon the lives of people in Paris?

2) What do the football and rugby clubs stand for and how do they help people express their identity?

3) What advice would you give someone travelling to Paris to watch a sporting event?

4) What are the post popular sports in Paris? Both participation and watching.

5) Any other information about sport in Paris which you feel is important or interesting?

Thanks for your time and any help you can give me.

Kind Regards,


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