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Marina berths - Charente Maritime / Vendee


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I hope to be buying a house in the Vendee next year (although this may be prejudiced by the current strength of the Euro. See other post in buying in France section). I also have a 36' yacht which needs a home. I checked out Les Minimes in La Rochelle thinking the largest marina in Europe would have loads of berths available but apparently there is a 5 year waiting list and a three year wait in Rochefort. Can anyone suggest a marina or port in Charente Maritime / Vendee where I might find a berth? Does anyone know anything about Marans? I did look there in October but the port office was closed. It's 20 k inland and not ideal but anywhere would be acceptable in the short term. 

I had actually intended selling my boat but am now thinking it may serve very well as a floating home until hopefully the pound strengthens. I believe this might take a while. I do however need to find somewhere for her to live. Any suggestions would be most appreciated

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I was always told that round La Rochelle if you want a marina berth you put your children's names on the waiting list when they are born.

Don't know about a bit further north though (round Vannes).  Good sailing area but unsure of the mooring situation.

Also remember that the French are quite strict about paperwork.  If you move your boar here it will need to become a French vessel, which means getting certificates from Customs, submitting them with loads of other stuff so some other body (cannot remember details off the top of my head), etc.  Your registration number includes your "home port" so chose wisely.  I have the impression its somewhere between SSR and full UK registration.  Certainly more complex than SSR.

I live inland and only sail a dinghy at the moment and, whilst that is meant to have the same registration (really, no joke) I decided that I just could not be bothered and it would be tough on the authorities.  However, I was warned that checks on paperwork are becoming more frequent (though that might just be for dinghy's as the requirement for full registration was only introduced for them a few years ago).

Let me know if you need details of the procedure and I can turn them out.


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Thanks Ian.....didn't know you had to register your boat as a French vessel. I will shortly have to go through the process of de-registering 'Bella' as a Greek vessel, as a similar law applies. Don't know if I can be bothered. Might just organise getting her back to UK and sell. I also have a sailing dinghy that I will be taking to France (when I find a house). Area of choice will remain the Southern Vendee. Where do you sail? Are you based in Charente Maritime / Vendee / Deux Sevres ? I would be quite happy sailing on an inland waaterway if there was one within reasonable travelling distance. The only lake I know of near Fontenay le Comte (nearest large town to intended purchase area) is Mervent Lake which is rreally too small except for the 'oppies' that sail there. 
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Benjamine is right ....St Gilles does not appear to be that busy and has facilities to lift you out  but drys out .....there is also L'Aaiguillon  S Mer  much quieter .... and is also a river estuary and drys out pretty much also at low water  so you would need a pontoon mooring and be out into the channel  at both these ports. This is an area protected a bit by Ile de Re so the water is pretty flat a lot of the time    Its  about 34 k's from La Rochelle ..Going up the coast ....there are marina facilities at Jard S Mer and Port Bourgenay ....At Port Bourgenay  near Talmont St Hilaire the marina is very attractive and a reasonable size  Its on the shore line behind a sea wall ....  looks well protected and the shore facilities are very modern  and spacious  for showers etc  It has a few restaurants overlooking the marina  ...Then there is...the .  home of the Vendee Globe ....Les Sable D' Olonne  as you go a bit further North  Also it is a fishing port so is well sheltered with  lots of marina space  lots of lifting facilities  and smack in the middle of town ....so all you could wish for ..at a price !  Good luck finding a mooring ......I am sure you will get what you want without having to search too far ,If you have deep pockets then you can join the gin palace owners in St Martin  de Re on the island .....and take the toll bridge into La Rochelle if thats where you have to be .....now that IS a place to keep your boat. you could tie up alongside the French football players !!


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I forgot ......there is an inland waterway takes you up  from La Rochelle and into the town of... Marans ..which is on the river Niortaise you would get up there no problem there are many much longer than you  ...there are marina and lifting facilities in Marans .....There are also lots of boats tied up to the river bank ...so that could be a possibility for you ....there are a few vessels that are tied up there that from apperance seem to have been there unused for quite a while .........which points to it perhaps not being as expensive as a coastal mooring to tie up there.......... given you may wish to live aboard for a while .  Nice town Marans ....got everything ....
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[quote user="Hillsider"]I also have a sailing dinghy that I will be taking to France (when I find a house). Area of choice will remain the Southern Vendee. Where do you sail? Are you based in Charente Maritime / Vendee / Deux Sevres ? I would be quite happy sailing on an inland waaterway if there was one within reasonable travelling distance.[/quote]

I'd recommend checking on the FF Voile site (French equivalent of the RYA).  They have a good system for finding clubs and what they do and provide.  Some clubs are more for summer campers (tend only to be open during the summer) whilst others more like proper clubs (mostly open through a larger part of the year).  Check what they do in relation to what you want to do.  In the UK, dinghy clubs tend to be quite racing orientated (e.g. Spring Series, Winter Series, Wed Evening Series, etc.).  In my experience French clubs are not like this.

If sailing on inland waters you will probably not need to formally register your dinghy.  However, you will need a license.  Also, if you intend to do any racing you will need a medical exam, certificate and your license stamped.  Some clubs require this just to join.  Medical needs to be done every year and is a total formality - walk in mostly unassisted and you pass with flying colours; my last one was just a chat and he did not even take my blood pressure.  But it does cost 22€ but is covered by your CV.  That is as long as your dinghy does not have a motor.  Motor on a dinghy and you are into another "ball park" !!

I found insurance "challenging" - and to get the dinghy properly covered I need it on 4 separate insurance policies !!

Joining clubs in France seems a lot lot cheaper than in the UK.  You get your license through your club (costs 45€ at the moment).  I've actually joined a couple of clubs as they "offer" different things (but you only need the one license).  French seem quite happy sailing on what I think of as much too small lakes.  Much to small for dinghy's that is, but they then sail 20ft day boats on them !!  One of my clubs, get a few boats out and it not so much sailing but "rafting up alongside".  Also check what the wind will be like as some lakes seem to suffer little wind through the summer and when it is there it is very very shifty.  Various weather sites on the web to give you average winds/directions through the year.

Sorry, waffled on.  Any other questions do ask.


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  • 8 months later...
Have just arraived in La Rochelle from the Swale in Kent, big problems finding a berth. In La Rochelle  have been informed that I can stay for a year on the visitors pontoon at the vistors daily rate!!! however all visitors must depart for the whole of  September as there is a n exibition on. Have been to all marinas from St Gilles down to La Rochelle none have any room , thats not quite true If you buy a new Beneteau at St Gilles they will make sure you get a morring!!, I am sailing down to Rochefort on the 23rd August to try my luck there. Have also been to Marans jusyt North of La Rochelle spoke to the harbour master , no room long waiting list.Good Luck If you hear of any thing please let me know. 
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