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Le Tour 2008

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[quote user="Gemonimo"]

For all you ladies who find the Tour de France just toooo boring, here's why cyclists wear black cycle shorts.... not red ones....












The red one in the middle looks a bit odd - how many hamsters has he got down there!!  [:-))]

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I was watching something on the lunchtime news about how they keep their energy levels up by snacking whilst cycling, but I think they've forgotten their lunch boxes.  Which is why they've stuffed their bacon rolls down their shorts. I think one chap has popped a couple of hard-boiled eggs down there too.  They'll be nice by tea-time [8-)]
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OH... that is so funny!  Just searched for this post as my BIL wants some information about the tour and stumbled across the red shorts!  I would have to agree the chap in the middle looks a little more seperated than usual! [blink]

Anyway... his question is he has watched the tour for years on the TV and would like to go to see one of the mountain stages (next year now I think!).... so how do you know where on the mountain you can park your car/camper... he would like to get to about 5-2km to the end.  How early do you have to arrive?  He doesn't really want to be at the end of the stage so do you simply park in a desginated area and walk?  And also where can he find out more... he says he has tried a couple of cycling forums but they aren't as helpful as you lot and he hasn't had a reply...[:(]  He has searched the tour site but can't find real logistics about parking/road closures etc... (hope all that makes sense!)

Any information gratefully received...[:D]


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The route for 2009 is not going to be published for a few months yet.

When the info is ready, it will be available here: http://www.letour.fr/us/homepage_horscourseTDF.html (it will say 2009!)

Generally speaking, there are no specific arrangements outside towns and anyone can park anywhere.

As you get closer to the start or finish lines, the restrictions are more important and it's not unusual for main road to be closed up to 4 to 6 hours before the event, in which case, spectators need to be in situ (or close by) long before.

For the finish in Aurillac yesterday, the main road used was closed from midday for the finish around 5 pm and access to Aurillac itself was almost impossible unless you know the town.

For today's departure in Figeac, the town centre has been closed to traffic since 2 pm  yesterday, the access roads were closed at 4 am and there are deviations all over the place until 2 pm today.
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Thank you Clair... I've passed the information on and they will plan ahead next year. OH and BIL had thought of going to super besse on Thursday but were worried they would find roads closed so didn't go... I think they made the right choice!  Now they are planning to go for a week next year and follow the route  [:D]
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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

I'm thinking of a few bob on Fränk Schleck (Luxembourg) for the Yellow Jersey this year as he is having a fantastic season so far and is 'hungry' for it.  Any other views?[/quote]

I thought about you today. Frank almost in yellow!

And it was great to see our local lad Di Gregorio climbing well, even if he didn't go all the way.

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1 second!

Evans was helped a lot by being in a group racing for the line, compared with Schleck having to pace himself alone. He knew he could have done it; you could see the "if only" in Schleck's face as they interviewed him afterwards.

But you have to hand it to Evans, the way he shrugged off yesterday's fall. It's certainly not a sport for the faint-hearted.

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Watched the stage today, hats off to the stage winner and his team mate, Ricco said yesterday that Piepoli would win the stage.

Any one heard any news on the Moto rider who crashed into the rock face next to the road on the way down the Tourmalet, looked bad on the TV?





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The papers and radio news here in Lux are full of Frank being in second place (his brother is also riding - 23rd place I think) .

You could almost hear the collective sigh of the whole country when Frank missed yellow by one second!

Still, a long way to go yet!

I heard a great description of Le Tour yesterday as it was described as the French equivalent of cricket - not of course the same sport but from the point of view of all the many rules / tactics / strategies / skills required and how hard it is to describe to a 'foreingner'

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]


I heard a great description of Le Tour yesterday as it was described as the French equivalent of cricket - not of course the same sport but from the point of view of all the many rules / tactics / strategies / skills required and how hard it is to describe to a 'foreingner'



Nah.... cricket rules are unfathomable to anyone who was born with anything other than English as mother tongue. Unless the ability to understand how it works depends on genes.... you have the cricket genes or you don't...

....whereas the Tour de France is more of an all-around sport event, followed both by experts and neophytes,  and by many who speak different languages.. . I would have thought it also draws more crowds, being much more family orientated, more of a spectacle and circus....

AND - the proof is that I can understand a lot of what goes on in the Tour. But that might come from having to live through it year after year...

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It struck me as a bit dumb that anyone could take performance enhancing substances in Le Tour these days without being caught. What with the past history of drugs and the high profile of the race how could any rider expect to get away with it
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