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Perseid meteor shower

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Hi Mary

As long as the skies are clear you should have no problem, happens on August 12th and no moon that night best from about 11pm through till day break, for a couple of days prior and a couple of days after you should see some activity but the 12th should be superb, you will need somewhere dark not near any lighting and about 10/15 minuets for your eyes to get used to the dark, I will be in Brittany at the same time.......see you there.

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One night in August 1979 I was sailing my boat up the Channel.  It had been a long and tiring passage with several sail changes and some complicated stretches of coastal water to navigate earlier in the day, and, alone on deck towards the end of a four-hour late night watch I realised how overtired I was when I imagined seeing flashes of light streaking across the sky.  I thought it best not to wake the next man on watch and thus alert the crew to my exhaustion, so I hung on doggedly until the watch change, all the time telling myself the flashes in the sky were an illusion caused by fatigue.

The end of my watch finally came, I was relieved by the next man, and I went wearily below to write up the log and plot the boat's position on the chart before turning into my bunk for a welcome rest.  Suddenly, the new man on watch shouted excitedly from the deck. "Wake up you lot, and get up here quick!  You've got to see this fantastic show of shooting stars!"




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Hi, over here now and had a good chat with the local farmer, who has seen it most years. The good thing is maybe it starts earlier, he has seen them s few days before the offical time, and as the skys are fantasic at the moment I hope that they come as soon as poss.

Happy veiwing

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Now now girlies!! Keep it clean, if that is possible with some people [:(]?

Have a look at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6940962.stm . It should be a really good night tonight with clear skys here tonight. If, after our late night last night, we can stay up we will be watching. Shame it would be so difficult to capture it on a photo? too much light pollution even in ur little village.

Edit :- is that hunter or baiter?

Further edit :- and if so are you a MASTER at it?

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  • 1 year later...
The annual Perseid meteor light-show is back!

Grab a light fleece and lie down comfortably on the grass or on a sun-lounger,

away from any source of light. No telescope or

binoculars are necessary.

The light-show will start in the east and then pass overhead.

Best viewed before dawn tomorrow (Wed 12) morning and tomorrow night till the small hours of Thursday.


Skywatchers set for meteor shower

Perséides, saison 2009 (translation)

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Oh yes!  No moon, so wonderfully dark for watching.  Also la voie lactée plainly visible in all its glory (sorry, showing off to Clair that I know that term but only because she is always giving me the French for things [:P]) 
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