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Mostly I have been making Christmas cards....


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They aint too easy to photograph as they are highly reflective under flash photography and I couldn't take a pic outside as it is monsoon season.

They are made from a card supplied by a Parisian papermaker, the card made is from grasses and I have decorated it with polypropylene metallic film, printed see through film and rainbow film which is weird stuff, if you layer it you get holographic effects.

By crumpling up the films you get some interesting sparkly images.

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The card is A4  220gm made by Galo I bought it in the Bureau office supplies chain shop it has matching C5 90gm envelopes. Bloomin' expensive and not as heavy a card as I would normally use but I am not going back to the print company in the UK I sold for another week or so.

I have to make an effort to send interesting Christmas cards as my company used to print bespoke cards for companies with big budgets and for artists - plus I receive some rather special cards from wood engravers - they are hand printed and so I keep them as they are quite rare and beautiful.

Somewhere I have some rather unusal Christmas cards that I got from a friends company - they had to withdraw them as they showed the Twin Towers.

I will visit and stock up with card when I visit and get some creased properly. It is like loosing an arm not having racks of different paper and cards on hand - plus on the same industrial estate and in same town had 4 paper merchants all with massive samples departments where I could choose substrates for free! Fedrigano an Italian paper manufacturer make some beautiful papers and they were so happy to help their papers being used, they'd give me loads.

I use the polypropylene foils to make kites but they are becoming increasingly difficult to find and to find undamaged. I always check out giftwraps at this time of year - some are a real con as the amount per roll differs widely and they don't describe what the material is and you need to rip the packaging to find out.

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Thanks Dog.  I thought maybe you had made contact with the mill.

Retail prices make card making a rather expensive hobby.

I also miss being able to get a few sheets of whatever to make up samples and try out design ideas... and those A3 swatch books from GFSmith were very nice to have. 

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