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Tatiana de Rosnay, écrivaine


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Does, has anyone read her books?

Worth reading or not?

I heard her talking about the English writer Daphne du Maurier on TV about whom she has written a book.  So biographies then?  What other types of books?

I have some spare time at the moment and would like recommendations of some contemporary French writers.

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I have part answered my own questions.  She is a writer of les bestsellers[:D]

Still would like a personal recommendation. Bestsellers can mean popular but doesn't mean she is any good.

All comments appreciated.  ET, you are one of my best bets.....[I] 

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I think you know  the authors I recommend, and I would simply suggest looking for other books by  them.

Very in fashion at the moment is Leila Slimani,

I have a couple of her books but haven't really got on with them.

I shouldn't say it, but I think her reputation comes in part from ticking all the boxes of political correctness[:@]

Here is a list of the Prix Goncourt winners recently

and French Literature in general  but also including recent writers and a list of the prizes

of course none of that is worth as much as a personal recommendation

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Mint I have never heard of this writer.

But I am just coming towards the end of Hilary Mantel's 'The Mirror and the Light" which has kept me good for the last couple of weeks, and I was starting to wonder what to move on to next, so thank you for the name, and I will investigate.

I just had a very quick look to see what Amazon has of hers (yes I known shouldn't use Amazon, but I do) and it appears she writes in both English and French. I will look into her more, and if I decide to give her a go I will let you know, and report back when I've read one. You do the same?
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Yes it is. I read the other two ages ago and this last one was only published a couple of months back. It got rather mixed reviews, several people complained it is too wordy and there are too many recaps of events from the previous two books, but that isn't bothering me. It's years since I read them so I don't mind having my memory refreshed, and actually I find it's quite cleverly done because often there are new details added, or a slighly different slant put on it this time around in the context of things that have happened since (if that makes sense). If you liked the first ones and you like Mantel's style, which I do (and it's nearly 900 pages long so you need to), I think you would enjoy it.
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Thanks, ET.  Yes, I like Mantel and I enjoyed the other 2 books.

I don't mind wordy as long as it's interesting.  What I don't much care for are "flim flam" books, you know, nothing to get your teeth into.......nothing too lightweight and no-need-to-use-your-brain for me.  It's like eating pap, no substance and you can gobble it up all in one go![:D]

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