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Self Sufficiency


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Hi everyone

Everybody on this site has been so helpful with our various enquiries,we are beginning to feel a bit guilty about not being able to give something back.
I (John) have come to be a bit of an oracle on the Self Sufficiency front. I have appeared on TV three times now about my strange hobby in the back garden ! and indeed had Meridien TV do a broadcast from my back garden during the 25th anniversary of the "Good Life" programme. Well, everyone is supposed to have their five minutes of stardom !!
I met my (now) second wife Sue five years ago, couldnt believe my luck to meet someone interested in this strange hobby of mine.We hope to run courses in the subject when our house is habitable, we move over in May (50)
The upshot of all this rambling is, if we can be of any assistance to anybody wishing to become Self Sufficient,drop us an e mail and we will be glad to help.
Best wishes to all

John & Sue
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is still remembered here in 24, the time when very little was bought in is within living memory, just. The sheets were rough and the wooden shoes uncomfortable. There are still a fair few who produce most of their own food though, an increasingly expensive and time-saving hobby, unless you attach it to something more lucrative, don't you think?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Just a general point really, people seem to forget to factor in there own labour cost when talking about self sufficiency, plus the cost of tools and land, freezing preserving ect. Say you got a part time job on min wage of 5 a hour for ten hours a week. 50 buys a lot of veg and fruit and would equal maybe 4 hectares of land and 4 hours a day/ seven days a week working on it, plus running costs.
I grow a few things for the pot and medicine cabenet but only things that are very hard to find here in France.

Richard (Aude)
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