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peach tree "curl"


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Hi, as anyone heard of the condition could Peach Tree Curl, if so any ideas how to deal with such please, I am new to gardening and I have been told this condition has occured on my new young trees but unable to find a solution.
thank you in advance.
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>Hi, as anyone heard of the
>condition could Peach Tree Curl,
>if so any ideas how
>to deal with such please,
>I am new to gardening
>and I have been told
>this condition has occured on
>my new young trees but
>unable to find a solution.
>thank you in advance.

It is caused by a fungus (I think) and most of the affected leaves will fall off and nice new ones replace them. If the tree has loads of peaches (ours does) it might be a good idea to feed with a high potash food soon (soluble is best and water to the width of the branches under the tree). Do not feed the tree in the autumn or with high nitrogen feeds otherwise it will get sappy growth and make the matter worse next year. Comfrey will give a good high potash feed. I would suggest a good organic liquid tomato feed but a normal one is impossible to find in France.

You can spray before the leaves come out but as leaf curl does not kill the tree so I don't. I only use chemicals where there is no option.

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