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Barn owls


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I don't think we have a wildlife section do we? So I thought gardening was the next best thing ...

Has anyone successfully rehoused a barn owl when converting a barn into a dwelling?

The house is our main project but in the meantime we'd like to camp (temporarily) in in the outbuildings which have a loft, inhabited by a barn owl.

I don't want him to be homeless - if we were to put a nesting box up in advance of disturbing him any more this year do you think he/she'd be interested? Or will he move onto another uninhabited barn of which there are a couple very closeby?

Any advice/experience gratefully received!

Bonne journe

M x

Dept 50
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I don't know the answer, but I share the question! We want to include an owl-box in a later phase of work at our place (whereabouts in 50 are you, by the way?). We saw this done on a TV programme (one of the Ben Huggins barn conversions), and they made a wooden box about 75cm cubed connected to the world through a hole about 15cm - but no details were given. How you entice an owl into it is another rmatter...


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