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Hello everyone first time entry

want to bring my cousin to uk to visit family, but I will be bringing her and taking her back

In uk will live with aunt for one month

Any legal problems e.g. Travelling without parents

could I obtain travel insurance etc


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can anyone confirm I'm on the right lines here

authority no longer needed


If some one could put me in the right lines of some insurance as I can't seem to insure from uk
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Your enquiry would be clearer if you state:



Who is the child travelling without parents - you, your cousin,

or both?


What country do you live in?


What country does your cousin live in?

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Your enquiry would be clearer if you state:

a) Who is the child travelling without parents - you, your cousin, or both?

"want to bring my cousin" - The sentence says "my cousin"

My understanding of that statement would mean we both are cousins

b) What country do you live in?

The next part of the sentence says "to uk"

I agree I didn't say I live there, but I thought that would be taken for granted

c) What country does your cousin live in?

This is the part where there might be some confusion on my part

as you can see this is my first time entry, and I thought I was on a forum dealing with french matters, so again I assumed it would be understood my cousin lives in france
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What a wonderful way to conduct your first postings on a very friendly forum.

Think you may struggle to get answers due to your attitude when someone is trying to help by getting all the facts to offer an answer.
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I think the link you give is referring to the documents relating to any minor travelling from France to elsewhere in Europe.  The situation is different where the minor is accompanied by someone other than a parent: documentation may be required to establish that the child is travelling with you with her parents' permission.  It would be sensible to carry a  letter (and make a couple of copies) signed by both parents along the lines of the one at the end of this post.  You may not need it but border authorities are very sensitive to children being moved abroad by or on behalf of an estranged parent so it is best to be prepared.  It would also be a good idea to check with the airline if they have any special requirements - explain you will have a letter giving parental permission.

Regarding medical insurance, if your cousin is in the French health system her parents should request a CEAM (Carte Européenne d'Assurance Maladie) from www.ameli.fr as soon as possible as it can take a couple of weeks to arrive.  This will entitle her to NHS emergency treatment should she need it.  If you feel you need additional insurance then Trailfinders.com are based in the UK but offer insurance for travel starting from any country in the EU.

Good luck, and have a good holiday together!


FOR MINOR CHILD (full name of child)_________________________.

We, (insert parents' names)____________________, hereby grant permission for our

minor daughter (name of child) _________________ D.O.B.

____________ , Passport Number ––––––––––––   to travel with her cousin (insert your name) to and from the UK  during the period (outward travel date)_________ and (return travel date plus some extra for emergencies)  ____________.

During that period (your name )___________________  and her Aunt (Aunt's name) ––––––––––––––– will

be responsible for the supervision of  (name of

child)_______________ and have my permission to authorise any

emergency medical, surgical, or dental treatments

necessary for the well-being of (name of child)______________.


(also print name below)


mother of _______________, a minor child.


(also print name below)


father of _______________, a minor child.

Parent's emergency contact numbers:

Home: ______________

Work: _______________

Mobile: ________________

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