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Some interesting mushrooms...


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Oh yes - I can see them both today!  Fly agaric!  Never seen them growing in pots before though!

Although they are poisonous they don't kill most people - they just make you hallucinate/sick (which might explain why YOU saw Papa Smurf behind one!).

Apparently the effect is even greater if you drink the urine from someone who has already eaten them!  Reindeer eat them and so reindeer urine is quite valuable in Finland/Lapland (old shaman thingie!).

Some say the colours inspired the Father Christmas outfit too.

I myself have never tried them and don't intend to.

P.S.  It has been a prolific mushroom season here in U.K. this year and hopefully still more to come.  I don't tend to have much success in France though which is a bit strange seeing as it is the mushroom capital of the world isn't it?





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First off, let me make it clear I do not use , eat or otherwise utilise Amanita Muscaria in any form... my neighbour, on the other hand, does harvest these mushrooms...

Here what my latest foray into the wilds of the Morbihan came up with, more my style!

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And I am sure much more tasty than Reindeer piss!

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