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Straggly murier platane


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The branches are getting a bit long and they're resting on the roof of the house on one side, and heading over the neighbour's fence on the other side.

Is this the right time of year to chop it back?   Is there a method to it, or do I just take something sharp and hack off the long bits?

Thank you,


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Now is a good time. Its tricky without seeing it, but cut all the branches that are causing potential problems first, and any branches that are dead, ill looking, or crossing over eachother, (cut just above a bud, slanting) then stand back and see what it looks like, before deciding whether to remove more.

I would cut carefully, because raggy cuts can sometimes allow disease to enter, but what you use to cut will depend on the thickness of the branches you are cutting.

Be aware that some trees, if pruned very hard - that is if you take loads of, will sprout back with even more vigour, a light prune is better.

Thats just very basic general tree pruning, as I can't find it in any of my books - Mulberry Plane??? Perhaps someone else has more specific tree knowledge.

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Thank you, Tresco.

I have a touching faith in plants.  I assume that because they were on this earth long before us, that they know how to look after themselves.   I continue to believe this in the face of all the evidence (I am a serial killer of plants).

So here goes, platane-pruning time.  Thank heavens for the plastic ivy round the barbecue, and the plastic rose bush against that wall over there - far less stressful!


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