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Grass cutting in December??


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Hello,and a merry Christmas to everyone, wherever you are.

We have a property in Normandy (near Vire) and as we have a large area of field right in the centre of the village we have a gardener who cuts the grass for us once a month. It is quite expensive, but I pay it as I know the neighbours appreciate the place being kept tidy.  However, I have just received a bill from my gardener for grass cutting in October, November and December.  We haven't cut our grass here in Scotland for ages, and I can't believe that our grass in France still needs cut at this time of year.  We are going over next week, and before we go I would appreciate hearing from any of you, particularly in Normandy, as to when you stop cutting your grass for the winter.  Then I will know whether I should be paying this or querying it.

Thanks.  Winston.

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It has been a mild autumn / early winter and in our lanes between Sourdeval and Mortain primroses are in bloom. In the mist and gloom.

Yes, the grass has continued to grow - slowly! - (though we haven't bothered to cut it since October) so while I think it is stretching a point, in the absence of any other instructions your gardener *could* argue he thought it was necessary.

Maybe you need to set a rule along the lines of: "grass will be cut monthly between March and November" or something similar and perhaps expect / accept a larger bill for the first cut in March.

Happy Christmas

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Absolutely, I was once responsible for a similar contract in London and in my experience if you don't specify that the grass is not to be cut in December (or January or February) then the grass will be cut and you will then have to pay for it however unnecessary... in similar vein some people think grass should be cut three times a week in May, for others once a month will do... it's up to you to decide what is reasonable, in advance.

Here in 24 I mowed in December to pick up the dead leaves, it does neaten it up so that the crocuses have a better chance of being visible too.

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Tricky one isn't it? I last mowed mine 2 weeks ago, and it could do with cutting again now, but the land is now swampville, as we have very heavy clay.

Also, remember the canicule (heatwave) last year? We were paying for the grass to be cut, but when we moved over, in August last year, all the grass was dead, and our neighbour told us it had been dead for weeks, so what were we paying for?? You just can't win sometimes.

tresco (17)

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Yes, I cut a couple of lawns for folks at the beginning of December but not at home as the ground is too claggy. I am in north 16 and the commune has been doing the fauchage throughout the month to tidy up the grass verges.

You shouldn't expect to pay a grass cutting bill in Jan or Feb though. We will start again in earnest in March but for now I'm concentrating on getting some hedges cut and clearing done if the weather is OK and having the grass cutting equipment serviced.


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Thanks for all the replies.  I will speak to our gardener next week and maybe suggest he stops a bit earlier.  Although to be fair to him he didn't bill us during the very hot summer as he hadn't cut the grass, so maybe I just need to be a bit more specific in my instructions.

Heading off to Normandy in the morning, so Happy New Year to you all when it comes.


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