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Bringing plants with me


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HI Guys

I was thinking of bringing some plants with me to FRance hwen I move in May they are all in pots about 8 house plants and the others are bamboo in pots--large garden ones and a small palm tree ooh and nearly forgot a wisteria --which was a present from my now dearly departed Father.... Am I alowed to bring plants into France or is it a complete no no

Hope to hear from someone soon


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No problems at all bringing plants. We arrived with as many plants as furnishings.

Strawberries is a new 'problem plant' to me, so thanks for that.

The one that stuck out in my mind, for some reason, was pyracantha, (it can catch a thing called fireblight). I took no cuttings of ours in England because of this, customs had no interest at all in our lorry full of plants, and naturally I now find that of all the hedging plants we have bought here, they do the best. So it goes,

good luck with your move.


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yes, we have brought lots of plants over, sometimes waving gently in the rear window (ie, absolutely visible from 100 yards) with no officials showing any interest even during the foot & mouth epidemic.

however... hijacking this thread slightly but not thinking it is worth starting a new one...

a few of the rose bushes which came over haven't taken off particularly well. A few locally acquired rose bushes *have* so that suggests it's not the soil or planting location. We're in southern Normandy in slightly alkaline soil. And I should say that the rose bushes which came over are about 7 years old and I know roses don't last forever but they did get good soil prep prior to planting.

The selection of roses I've seen this year in the various garden centres in Normandy are a) limited and b) often very expensive. Over €90 for one plant we saw. Has anyone ordered named roses in the UK, brought them over, and have the plants subsequently done well?

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[quote]HI GuysI was thinking of bringing some plants with me to FRance hwen I move in May they are all in pots about 8 house plants and the others are bamboo in pots--large garden ones and a small palm tree ...[/quote]

As has been mentioned there are a few plants that are not allowed and I believe the list of what these are changes from time to time. Check with DEFRA (used to be Min of Ag) for up to date info. They used to have a leaflet and probably still do and, no doubt, a web site.

Liz (29)
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