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leaves a falling on my house plant


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as someone who generally kills all house plants eventually, does anyone have any idea why the leaves on my "Ficus Golden King" (which I understand is some kind of a fig plant) keep falling off? I have followed the instructions on the tab to the letter, but the leaves are still a falling.


would appreciate any advice

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thanks for the replies thus far.  The plant was originally in the bathroom which has good light. when the leaves began falling, I thought that perhaps the lounge was a better place, as this too is very light and is usually around 20 degrees.  I use a spray bottle with water in to dampen the leaves and I only water it approximately once a week or longer, as directed by the information tab in the plant.  The leaves are falling like mad, and soon the plant will be bald!!

I have asked a friend who knows a bit about house plants and she just says that "fig" type trees are notoriously difficult to manage.  Hopefully this is a little more info, which might help people to understand what is happening.

I appreciate all your comments, as I said in the original post, I seem to "murder" all my plants eventually


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How long have you had this plant? Has it done this before?

I have an enormous weeping fig (2 metres tall and has been chopped back twice). It drops leaves regularly every autumn/winter, then in the spring it has new leaves. I don't do anything special to it and only water it occasionally, with a liquid feed in the growing season once a fortnight or so. I've only repotted it once as it's too big.

It has moved a lot and lived in different temperatures/climates (even countries) and doesn't seem to change its habit of dropping leaves in the autumn.

I think overwatering is one of the main reasons for the death of weeping figs. I have seen too many bare ones in offices.

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