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My Baumaux catalogue arrived yesterday.


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Lucky you, I've got a list of must-haves (all edible, I have lots of unused packets of flower seeds) and no catalogues yet...
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It arrived this morning, see the p&p has gone up to a heady 6euros50... what are your must haves?
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Come on, share these must-haves... the most exciting thing on my list is roquette, the next most exciting is persil racine... then we're on to Fève Aguadulce, Carrote de Colmar and other things that I must have but really can't imagine getting excited about when I open the parcel... I'm hoping your must-haves will inspire me to add something exciting to my list... but I want to post it this year...

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Calm reflection.....

Potatoes - bloody Colorado beetle.  Will buy in.

Carrots - didn't grow.

Onions - yellow, white and red.  All went rotten.

Broad beans - black fly.

Might grow.....

haricot, shallots, plum tomatoes, peppers, beetroot does well. 

Will grow.....

sweetcorn (for chickens too) pumpkins, courgettes - not the round ones as very disappointed with them last year.  A fancy pumpkin too.  Last year it was Turkish Turban and the year before those blue ones.  Spring type onions are a must.  I suppose lettuce too.

Will have a good look later today.  The flower list is coming on.  If I have to pay 6.50€ postage I want my money's worth.

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I got down to the free gift so it was time to stop.  For now.

I decided on Napoli tomatoes; a banana melon 8665, Dipper decorative gourd 8862, Polo 9077 for spring onions.  I have tried all the others.  Honey Bantam sweetcorn because it is delicious....

Bloomin' mounts up!  I am sure it is cheaper to go to the supermarket.

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Thank you, sounds very sensible, who said anything about it being cheap?!...

I've got stacks of old tomato seeds (and home ones), plenty of sweetcorn, squashes (some saved too, including Turks Turbans, they're going mouldy as I type), courgettes - round and long, green and yellow; I sow the round ones early and late as they grow fast, I eat a few tiny and feed the rest of them to the poultry, they were the only squashes that the turkeys liked...

Always worth sowing a few carrots, I struggled for years then one year they took off (Autumn King in London) and I've never had any trouble since... I'm getting De Luc for a change as well as Colmar as usual...

My onions from seed are usually a disaster but I keep trying, a few not a lot; am going for jaune paille des vertus and Dorata di Parma. I've got sets nosing up, whatever they had in the coop,  White Ebenezer and something dull, Stuttgarter or Sturon probably, I usually put in Red Brunswick in the spring.

Betterave crapaudine, salsifis mammouth, scorsonère,  Scarole cornet de Bordeaux, chicorée orchidea rouge, laitues feuilles de chêne blonde & cerbiatta, choux-fleur primus, haricots prélude, purple teepee, rognon de coq, chevrier vert, and peas croquant sugar bon, mangetout bamby... well past the cadeau, no doubt i've missed something vital, think I've got half a packet and turns out to be two seeds, happens every year...

Any must-have flowers?

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1420, 3167 will look after this lot, 3609, 3688, 2953, 2445.  I seem to have a lot of packets bought over the latter part of the year too.  Always grow zinnia and OH likes cosmos.

This year I didn't save one seed or take one cutting.....  Not normal for me.

If you want any seeds saved next year or if they are generous with their packets, I'll send you some!  I like to spread plants around then if there is a catastrophe I can beg a seed or plant back.

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Thank you, I can't find 2953... guess with Cobea & the uniquely shaped white flower your part of the earth is a bit warmer for longer than my part of 24 (borders 87/19)? Have you grown Pied d'Alouette:larkspur before? I've sown a couple of English packets to no avail... I've got flower seeds going back to bbe1996 so won't be tempted this year... unless you have a handy hint?! Shall put off ordering until Monday... your enthusiasm makes me want to want a new flower...probably nasturtiums, haven't had any new blood for years and not many appeared this year, they're handy "pour câcher la misère"; I always grow zinnias because I've had them as cadeaux a couple of times, always grow cosmos because it springs up itself and I often sow a bit too... nigella is rampantly at home and oeillet des poètes too... not to mention honesty, balsamine, myosotis, borage, cardoons... mmm, spring will soon be here... the earliest daffodils are pointing their shoots through the weeds... hope 2005 is a happy year for you and your garden...
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  • 1 month later...
My lovely parcel arrived last week, everything that I'd ordered plus not one but three cadeaux - carrots and clarkia purple passion as well as the belle de nuit.
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Mmm, no wonder you intended to stick to flowers in the future.

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