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seeing off snakes


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I know they are innocent creatures and i wouldnt dream of hurting one (too scared to get close enough for a start:crazy but i wondered if anyone had come across any products for keeping snakes at bay...other than the sprays or granuals which work out impossibly expensive. Perhaps (and will probably get laughed at) one of those ultra sound devices used for discouraging moles might work (the sort you bury).  I don't reasonably expect to rid my land of them, especially as we are bordered by orchards, fields and woodlands and our land is unkempt to say the least (riddled with hundreds of hiding places for them) but i would like to lessen the risk of them taking me by surprise ; they are supposed to be timid and stay away from humans if possible but they don't seem to understand this round here! if someone could invent a plug in device to ward of snakes i'm sure it would be a huge worldwide seller..i suppose a minor fact to overcome is that they are deaf and from being told  to stomp particularly heavily in long grass i guess they feel low vibrations rather than high pitched tones more keenly (obviously why screaming doesnt work).

I am trying to cut back long grass and weeds in preparation for snakey season but if anyone else has any ideas i would be grateful.


best Regads




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Do a search under gardening, there was a long thread on this last year or so, with plenty of advice, ranging from "they are lovely and won't hurt you", (no, not until you suffer a heart attack at the sight of one too close, they won't, ) to an electronic gizmo (which probably works, but knowing my luck will cost the earth, and have the added bonus of ATTRACTING hornets etc).

Sorry not to be any more help.

Oh, and please avoid posting about snakes again, as even reading about them makes me shudder. Thanks


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