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signs of spring


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"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" One of my favourite quotations. Not just in the garden, but in the fields and woods too - what signs of spring have you seen already? Today while walking the dogs on our favourite woodland path I saw that the frondy leaves of wood anemones have started to sprout. No flowers as yet. I've seen daisies and tiny blue flowers on sunny banks for a few weeks now. What have you seen? Pat.
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Nice to know I'm not the only one who is getting excited about spring!!

So far I have noticed that our forsythia has some flowers already out, our beautiful old flowering cherries (6 of them) have masses of tiny buds about to burst. We have had a lovely show of crocuses already and the other bulbs are in various stages of growth.

The recent heavy frosts seem to have done a bit of damage to some bushes in the garden buts its amazing how they recover.

Looking forward to the next few weeks as every day brings something new.





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In France, Normandy (27)...daffs about to bloom...buds on fruit trees...primroses in the garden peeping from behind hedges. Everlasting sweetpeas (surprised me!) have growth of about 4 inches.

South of England...daffs in bloom and covered in snow (a fews days ago!). Snowdrops ended.

I can confirm the mousing season has begun as the boss cat has been busy these last few weeks.


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Spring, what is that???? Snow on the ground, -8 ish last night so woke up to no water , -10 predicted for tonight and in the last 5 weeks at least 4 have been below zero for nights and on most days also. The owls were calling weeks ago so they should be partnered up and nesting, the buzzards are out and about and the hens have not stopped laying all winter. Last winter was not this bad (it was actually quite mild) but very wet and it was not really spring like until May, this year I am hoping that it will all warm up and I can get into the veggy garden at least next month (ie any day after today). We are in the Lot not near the mountains at all.

I  know Spring is coming, I sleep with the shutters open on the East window and on days like this, the dawn and then the brilliant sunshine wakes me and lifts my spirits no end. The flowers may be asleep but the world is waking and I saw a lizard yesterday morning before it started snowing again.

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Quite right too - buy'em when you see 'em. Last year my procrastination meant that we missed the cheap chairs so this year grabbed on first sighting.

Any ground level sign of spring is now under a layer of snow. Not much but enough to keep us in the hamlet - neighbour across the road is playing snowplough with his 50 yr old tractor and barquette (sp?) in the lane but I don't think he will do the 2.5 km up and down to the village.

Adequate supplies of essentials - wood and red wine - for a bit of a siege but Meteo promises us more of the same. We should have been going to see friend in French play tonight, about 30 mins drive away under normal circs, but it will have to be at another time in another place later in the month.



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