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Plant thieves


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I wonder if anyone else has had this problem - and what,if anything, you did about it.

We're gradually increasing the amount of our garden given over to flower beds and so on most of our visits are busy planting up.

However, by the time we next visit a proportion of what we've planted has been carefuuly dug up and removed. This has culminated in us having just discovered the loss of several expensive shrubs we put in at Easter. The thief is obviously picky as the labels of all the newly planted stuff are pulled out of the ground and discarded if the plants aren't wanted.

My son has suggested signs saying "Mine Field", or one of those dummy video cameras, but I'm not sure. Our friendly local farmer keeps an eye out on things generally but hasn't spotted this. The garden is fairly hidden from the road so unless the thief was seen leaving nobody would notice.

It seems like a waste of time to report it to the gendarmes - I know it's hardly the crime of the century.

Any ideas gratefully received - even if zany they might cheer us up!

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I like your sons idea, maybe you should forget the sign though and just put the mines in

Seriously though you'll have to find out whose doing it and the way to do that is with a motion triggered camera, hidden in a nearby bush. Then confront the thief or show it to the police.

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Have you tried mentioning the problem (in a sorrow-more-than-anger way) in the local boulangerie and tabac?  Most locals will be horrified and ashamed for their countryfolk and their disapproval may just put a stop to the matter.

Chrissie (81)

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There are some very handsome looking weeds in my garden. I think as a short term measure I'd cultivate them and put fancy labels on. If they are stealing them for themselves they might soon get tired of looking foolish.


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we had a similar experience in a holiday home too. The only suggestion I can make is to put in something pretty obscure, and easily identifiable from a distance but which is quite hard/impossible to find in your locality.

You see, sad though it may sound, the likelyhood is that it's going to be someone pretty local. So once you have found your plant gone, you could just drive around and see if you can spot it. Once you have, an "innocent" conversation with the person, advising them to keep a good watch out on it, as you had one just like it that was stolen, might be enough to warn them off!

Another possibility is to go and talk to the mayor and ask his advice informally.

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I sympathise with you over the theft of your plants.  A few years ago in the Dordogne we planted a new cupressus hedge along the roadside boundary of our property.  We awoke one morning about two weeks later to find that a dozen had been removed.  Furious but determined to have our hedge we replaced the missing trees  only to have them stolen again two days later!  A visit to the local gendarmerie proved futile with the usual gallic shrug of the shoulders informing us that there was little that could be done.  A third attempt to have my hedge was more successful as my husband took the trouble to wire all the trees together as well as laying a low lying wire boobie-trap.  Judging by the flattened grass and two of the trees we found a few days later it appears that the culprit had his just deserts and the trees have remained ever since.
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Thanks for all the suggestions - certainly think a "Beware" sign is worth a try. We could even suggest that the plants are cursed by a witch - might upset the cure though.

I mentioned our loss in the butcher's shop yesterday and he expressed his disappointment - also exchanged a significant look at his wife which could have meant "I bet it's xxxxx up to their old tricks again" or on the other hand "Why is this English fool thinking we are interested in his problems?"

We're back to Angleterre on Tuesday so will await developments.

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[quote]I wonder if anyone else has had this problem - and what,if anything, you did about it. We're gradually increasing the amount of our garden given over to flower beds and so on most of our visits are...[/quote]

We know how you feel, we had a couple of solar lights lifted when away last time, did not even notice at first.  It's not so much the value, only cheap ones anyway, it's the thought that somewhere where you expect life to be different, you can still be let down.  We go back next week and am beginning to worry about my pots... all neatly planted up with geraniums for the summer! If these have gone will definately do a car tour and try to locate!:
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