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Hi all,

Advice desperately needed, 3 children have decided to plant various vegetables..... well they will do when they can finally decide what to plant.

Any advice would be welcome as I have grown lettuces and potatoes, carrots onions, that is where my agriculture knowledge finishes, we want to plant something that the children can look after, and eat afterwards, and that dosent take 24 hours of the day care,

The wife has also decided she would like to grow flowers as well.

please help as at wits end with all the discussions and arguments and think we should just get on with it, as i know when the fad with the kids and wife has worn off i will be looking after whatever has been planted

So any advice as what to grow gratefully recieved




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How about green beans (not runner beans)? Your children will be able to see them getting bigger. Courgettes could be fun too. Or you could just buy each of them a tomato plant. For all of those, once they are actually in you just reap the benefits.
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How about getting them to write their names in radishes. They will be up and edible in 5 to 7 weeks. Another plant is nasturtiums, flowers 6 weeks after planting in the summer and both the leaves and flowers are edible. They also attract blackfly so planting them near beans means they get the fly and the beans don't.

You need something with a very fast turnaround to keep children involved. I find tomatoes complicated for some adults let alone children (removing side shoots is an example). Climbing french beans are fun as they climb so fast and of course sunflowers.

What ever you do, I hope that you all enjoy the experience.

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