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Hi all,

Just spent 3 weeks creating two ponds one flowing into the other via railway sleepers, I need 2 pieces of liner 3 metres by 3 metres, ie 18 square metres, I have been to the local Garden Centre (desmartis) and the price is extortionate, 7.45 euros per square metre and as it is 4 metres wide and I need a 3 x 3 then I would have to by 6 metres by 8 metres which is is even worse.


Is there an alternative solution ie: pvc for use under floors for damproofing .?


Any help would be appreciated, certainly can't afford the above.



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This is an issue I've been thinking about for sometime. (Can't start on the pond until I've cut the huge pine trees down, can't afford the cost of felling the pine trees, can't afford the pvc for the pond either !). I've got clay about a foot/metre down, there are etangs all round here so I guess that's what is holding there water in. So by 'puddling clay' do you mean taking the existing clay and smearing it over the non clay area ? I don't want the water level to start a metre down so would need to seal the upper level.

The etangs are very murky, would it make any difference to the clarity of the water having a pvc as opposed to clay basin or is this all down to the plants and any water circulation ? What plants are recommended for clarity of water?

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Hi! I don't know about using clay but it sounds interesting...

What I was going to say is that I wouldn't use pvc damp proofing plastic as sunlight makes it go brittle so the liner would soon degrade at the edges. We used it for a pond in the UK as we couldn't afford a proper liner and tried to cover the edges with concrete so that the sun would not shine on it. It worked for a while but after a year or two we kept having to up the water level as it had sprung a couple of small leaks.


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It's not just a case of smearing the clay over the terre vegetale you also have to puddle it. This is best done with your feet in a rocking motion and brings the moisture in the clay out to the surface where it helps seal things.

Clay ponds will take longer to to clear initially than PVC but once there is a bit of silt on the bottom there shouldn't be much difference.

Any plants that will stay healthy and not disintegrate will help to keep the water clear as they will compete against the algae for the available nitrates. However, you will still need a good filter if you want it all crystal clear.

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Clay was between 6 and 10 inches deep. Didn't use straw but I reinforced the sides with old carpet. The best tip I can probably give is don't puddle with heavily treaded footwear, the smoother the soles, the easier it is. You probably don't have any but I found a pair of old hammer throwing shoes ideal.
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