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Leaf curl


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I think there's not much you can do this year, but you will need to treat before next year's growth starts. Spray with Bordeaux mixture (bouille bordelaise), according to instructions. We got some from Gamm Vert and it's widely available - it claims to be organically approved despite making everything looking like you've spray-painted it blue. You'll need a pump spray thing, a pulverisateur, and can get these cheaply too (think we paid about 8 euros in Obi). I think you can avoid leaf curl (la cloque) without the use of sprays but completely covering the trees before any spring rain gets to them but check this on the internet first - this obviously depends on how big the trees are. We had a few peaches on our tiny tree this year but as the leaves curled up the fruit dried up and fell off. I believe it's a kind of mildew/fungal disease. Good luck!


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