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Rossignol philomèle - Nightingale


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I have a very strong suspicion that the bird that sings all night and keeps us awake is a Nightingale. We had lots near us in the UK but none so near that I could lay in bed and finally wish that they would put a sock in it. Mind, it is so much better than the noise of motor bikes and boy racers that if it starts tonight I will lay back and not think of England .

Any other birds that sing all night? I know a Robin will do this near a street light but there are no street lights around here although the moon is getting very bright.

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We're not too far away from you and we have one too. I don't think there's anything else that sings so sweetly in the night. Ours is usually accompanied by a cacophony of assorted frogs. I've never heard one in England. I guess they don't get that far north. I actually prefer the song of a blackbird or thrush, but they don't sing in the dark.


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Went onto the net and found the song of the nightingale and yes, that is what we have.

I was being very tongue in cheek really as I am finally getting a reasonable nights sleep - so I notice being kept awake instead of just being awake - difference - put up a mozzie net over the bed - red lumps have also disappeared so it is working.

Amazing amount and variety of birds here - saw my first cuckoo and stork this year and love watching the red and black kites as they fly just overhead.

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Yes there are loads of red kites, its very unusual for them to take live animals as they do not have such strong beaks and talons as buzzards, often they have to wait for a buzzard to rip into a carcase before they can. I have never heard of any problems with them, I work in thame and the M40 near there has loads of them flyoing above.

Beaugtiful birds

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