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While walking to our local village an enormous brute of a caterpillar crossed my path.  No joking he was as long as my hand and thicker than my thumb with wonderful colourings of orange/green/red which crisscrossed his back (so I guess he might be poisonous to other creatures).  My 82 year old partially sighted mother who was with me had no trouble seeing him!  I've never seen one before so now wonder what on earth will he turn into - does anyone know? 


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Was it this by chance http://kimmos.freeshell.org/lnel/g1/semnotat.htm. We had the full adult in the garden this year - peackock moth - and it was so wonderful I posted a picture of it on LF. I was even able to stroke it and get it to open its wings to show the four 'eyes'.

Lets hope that this rare and wonderful creature managed to pupate and give someone else a mild shock in their garden. Largest moth in Europe.

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Sorry Di, it wasn't like that -  fatter and far more brightly coloured with a very definite pattern on his back (it's such a shame I didn't have my camera with me)

Although now I've heard of the peacock moth I'll be on the lookout for that - it sounds great too.

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