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tree pruning - how??


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hi all

I have what looks like a hazelnut tree (five altogether) they have thin branches and at the top it appears to have what look like the pod (open) that a nut would fall from. My question is, how do I prune them.  There doesn't appear to be 'new growth'buds anywhere on the trees just what look like 'dead' buds which were there last year. Do I just pull off the pods or do I give them a good cut?? I don't want to 'go mad' as the fruits all seem to be at the top with nothing below.  I know this is all a bit wooly and vaguish, but I hope my description will help someone know what it is I am on about!!! All my other trees are showing new growth, so I am wondering if these trees have a 'lifespan' which would account for there being no new growth, having said that, they don't look dead either!  Failing all else, I could try the local horticulturist with my well worn dictionary and translation books! I look forward to any replies of help.

Thanks in advance


chadeniers 17

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Hi Peter, thanks for your reply, I have had a look at the site and your not wrong, it looks like it is an hibiscus, problem now is, I couldn't find how to prune it. What did you doi with yours?? Mine are about 1-1.5 mtr tall, quite spindly, no leaves or buds, just loads of pods at the top of all the very long branches.  I am tempted to cut about half way down, but don't know if this will kill the plant or encourage some growth, any suggestions?? Thanks in advance


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They don't need a lot of pruning; just clip back the twiggy stuff a bit, but if you want to do further you don't need to be to fussy with them they will take some fairly brutal treatment.  If left alone they will grow into a large shrubby bush, take your pick, it's what you want to end up with.


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