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Electricity - refacturation


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I can't find this mentioned anywhere else, so has anyone else had an electricity invoice recently? My latest one arrived today and enclosed a letter explaining that my supplier (SEOLIS) hadn't charged enough in 2012/2013 so they have recalculated and added an amount on this and the next 2 bills to make up for it. [8-)]

Now then, I sold a car in 2012, and I realise now that didn't put a high enough price on it, so I think I'll write to the buyer and demand a further payment. Obviously I'll quote the example of the electricity bill just to show that it's all above board. [8-|]


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Completely bizarre. Reading Sue's link, this has been going on since 2013. How on earth can it take anyone, let alone an energy supplier, two years to rectify an error? Surely, if all consumers were affected, all consumers should have received notification at the same time? Yet they're still sending out these demands two years later?
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I have no sympathy, you should have read the small print

'At all times we will take you, the customer, as a complete mug and you therefore agree to top up our profits at any time of our choosing'.

I suppose they could argue that you knew the bills were wrong as you would have known the tariff you were on and should therefore checked that the correct tariff was being applied to each bill - but who does.

In addition, whoever wrote the software for billing should have rigorously checked it to ensure that is functioned correctly.

Totally immoral to now turn round and say we screwed up, you pay.
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Reading all the responses on that forum certainly gives a good insight into the French mindset, all tye customers huffing and puffing, threatening and above all shouting like a teenager that "its so unfair" but not one of them sought to understand what they were actually being billed for and crucially was it correct, just "its so unfair" [blink]

You have to read through 9 pages of comments before you find the one person with a tiny bit of nouce who has compared his meter readings to what he has paid over the period concerned to conclude that yes, his monthly payments were not enough and he does owe them the money.

Not that it made the slightest bit of difference to the others, they were still stuck in the "its so unfair" mode, huffing and puffing, threatening but doing nothing.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Reading all the responses on that forum certainly gives a good insight into the French mindset ...[/quote]

But would the replies have been any different on a UK forum ? I am not so sure they would be.

Though in the Uk I expect there would be pressure from whomsoever for the company concerned to write off the debts due to the elongated time-frame.


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I was advised by our supplier, Direct Energie, last December, that I would be billed retroactively to account for price rises not previously billed, for the period 23/07/2013 to 31/01/2013. This having been because the public authorities' tarifs were incorrect, not because of their own eror.

The total amount was 36€25 for the three 6 month periods involved.

I hope that the extra bill mentioned by the OP refers to the same matter, and is not a a new charge to look forward to.

The letter received from DE included the following:

En effet, entre 2012 et 2013, certaines hausses d'électricité n'avaient pas été répercutées dans les tarifs réglementaires par les pouvoirs publics.

Sur décision du Conseil d'Etat conformément à l'arrêté ministériel du 31 juillet 2014, la hausse de 5% du prix hors taxes du kWh d'électricité des tarifs réglementaires doit être appliqué rétroactivement pour la période allant du 23 juillet 2012 au 31 juillet 2013

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It looks as though there are two separate issues going on here. Mine is the same as mentioned by Nomoss except that we didn't get any warning.

SEOLIS are not saying that there has been a miscalculation, ie a mathematical error, simply that they didn't charge enough because they were limited by a government "arrête". The amount demanded on my bill is even less than Nomoss's, but it's the principle that's annoyed me.

So what do I do? Pay up of course (and shrug). [Www]


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