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Cherry trees attacked by caterpillars

friend of stouby

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We returned to our fermette last week to find 4 of our 5 ancient cherry trees attacked by 2 types of caterpillars. The effect is severley nibbled leaves and all the fruit clusters withered and dried up.Each of the trees had masses of blossom when we were there in April.

The previous owner confirmed that the caterpillars had caused the damage and just shrugged and said some years they arrive and some they don't.

Does anyone know of anything preventative that we may do before next spring that may prevent the caterpillar attacks?

An apple tree next to one of the larger cherry trees also suffered from the same problem but less severe.

Thanks for any ideas. 

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No there is nothing you can do if you are not there, I was lucky and saw the little beggars before they did too much damage and picked them off and sprayed the rest with soapy water, its like cabbge white's,  some years you get them,  others you don't. There is no preventative spray, but you can put on a grease band to keep more harmful pests away.
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While on the subject of cherry trees we have a couple of large trees.

Arrived at our place on Monday evening, trees were laden with lovely ripe fruit.

Picked a few when passing by, intending to get the ladder out later to collect more.

Now Friday and both trees are bare. Totally stripped by birds, although never saw or heard a thing!

What's the answer? Speed of picking, nets or is there another protection?


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Hello again

Thanks everyone for the advice amd opinions, apart from the fact that 3 of the trees are 10m+ tall and removing caterpillers is not practical in this case, I have learnd some useful things.

It appears that not to worry too much about caterpillars, use grease bands for other problems that may arrive, hope for a milder spring next year, and be around the moment the cherries are ripe. Many thanks.

....I have now posted a different question, hope this is ok?



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Hello again

Thanks everyone for the advice and opinions, apart from the fact that 3 of the trees are 10m+ tall and removing caterpillers is not practical in this case, I have learnd some useful things.

It appears that not to worry too much about caterpillars, use grease bands for other problems that may arrive, hope for a milder spring next year, and be around the moment the cherries are ripe. Many thanks.

....I have now posted a different question, hope this is ok?


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