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flymo spare cutting blades


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my trusty flymo lawnmower blade is behaving strangely since other half had a go at sharpening it - now more akin to spinning washing machine than mower.

i deduce therefore that a new blade will be required - have looked in bricolage but they dont seem to have any 30cm blades and wondered if anyone knew where to source flymo spare parts in france, rather than have to get blade sent to someone to post on etc from uk.


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First impression, if mower sounds like a spinning washing machine, is that the motor is spinning under no-load, ie the blade is not actually rotating, could this be happening, has the blade been put back incorrectly and is not turning. Even a badly sharpened blade should try to 'bludgeon' the grass even if it doesn't cleanly cut it. Just a thought!!!


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i dont think i was very accurate in which part of the washing machine process!   blade is actually cutting fine to be honest, its holding the b****er down to get it to do it - eg its vibrating so much because blade is now uneven, that its like controlling a runaway washing machine .....    

for other posting thanks for that - in truth i had found flymo site of course but find french web sites particularly unhelpful in some respects - taking aside the language of course (!);  worst of which has to be the Brico Depot site - why do they bother !!!!!!     still, if thats all i can find to complain about life cant be bad can it!      i will try once again to master the flymo site.

thanks both

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[quote user="londoneye"]

my trusty flymo lawnmower blade is behaving strangely since other half had a go at sharpening it - now more akin to spinning washing machine than mower.

i deduce therefore that a new blade will be required - have looked in bricolage but they dont seem to have any 30cm blades and wondered if anyone knew where to source flymo spare parts in france, rather than have to get blade sent to someone to post on etc from uk.



I have a Flymo 330 and have had to take the blade off and straighten it a couple of times. When you refit it, turn the blade by hand to check that it's level. I used a vice and hammer to do the straightening. I don't believe the blade is flat but has a kink at each end but I don't think it's that critical as balance is the main thing to consider.

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just for info - in case anyone doesnt know - eventually plucked up courage and went back to m. bricolage where they didnt have the correct size blade, and before i had even had a chance to open my mouth the helpful man said - (along lines of) - oh gosh we dont have that size but i can order you one if you want'  - there you go then - proving it doesnt pay to be a shrinking violet and i should have just asked him first time i went in there instead of looking at shelf and giving up cos it wasnt there!

But thanks all for the help.

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