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Water Restrictions .


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Seems there is now a directive from the Prefect of the Vendee...  June 17.... stating it is forbidden to take water in certain basin's ..like last year...includes watering private gardens ....at the moment  between 10 am and 8 pm .....and filling of pools.. so not too serious...yet . We are in the River Lay basin  thats one of them ...I .have just read that the maize crop takes a huge amount of water..... more than other crops it seems ....and that the water cannons in the fields can chuck out in two hours what the average home uses in a year.....In  May when we planted  new rose bushes and lavender  water cannons were in use in our local fields ....while it was raining ! After all the rain earlier this year I was not expecting the restrictions already ... going back down on Friday better not buy any more plants.!

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Hi Hoddy, hope you are well? Do you know what the restrictions are? My patron lives just inside the Dordogne and I went his mairie but could see nothing posted on the notice board about water restrictions.[:)]

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I'm very well, thanks for asking Dago.

I think it was in last Friday's edition of Sud Ouest that I read that irrigation from  the basin of the Dordogne was restricted to three days a week but excluding the river itself so my neighbours who irrigate with water straight from the river are OK. I guess your patron is far enough away not to be counted as in the 'bassin'. Let's hope so, it's soul destroying not being able to water your plants.


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Hi Hoddy, what are the restrictions in 24.  I only have pots to water and use the water from the but which is overflowing at present.  I do have a pool - after all the rain last night it shouldnt need filling for a while but would still like to know what we can or cannot do.


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La Vette

I hope that useful map from Cassis has helped. I thought that the information I posted earlier only applied to water extracted from water courses, not taps, although I could be wrong on that.

We too have had plenty of rain lately, but we're still not up to the average for the time of year.

The restrictions should be posted outside your local mairie - maybe they haven't got round to it yet.


Edit: I've just noticed that the map doesn't match what I've read. Maybe it's not up to date.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]

Edit: I've just noticed that the map doesn't match what I've read. Maybe it's not up to date.


Don't know, Hoddy.  It's dated June 2006 on the website and says it's updated 'during this period' whatever that means.

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sorry to say your link is not up to date.  Ardèche has been on status yellow since 14.6 and is shown on you map as no restrictions.

There is an official governement site with the same map, but I cannot find the link now


Does anyone know the status of watering if the Mairie have not yet posted the restrictions?

Are we all supposed to read the paper and know?  Or would that be your "get out of jail free" card.

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Re. Vendée water restrictions. On the 23rd the Prefecture slipped out

an additional notice. In the basins of the Autise and Vendée rivers, farmers

have had their groundwater extraction allocations (news to me, but it

would seem that they are obliged to meter and report usage) by 30% and

20% respectively. A friend who farms 180ha around here reckons that is

is cosmetic as far less maize has been planted this year than

previously, so they are using far less water anyway, but politically it

is important to show the farmers have to "do their bit." The absence

any burning piles of tyres in the streets would seem to confirm his


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