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Grandaddy lizards


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Can anyone tellus about the bright green grandaddy lizards we are finding occasionally in our garde,Dept 85 Vendee.The locals tell us that if we have these-we have serpents.Would have thought that the type of terrain for the local snakes and the lizards is the same,especially at this time of such high temperatures and humidity.The myths increase along with the sizes of snake!

Final question for interest only.Our garden which is all brown and hard due to the weather,is undermined with 20-30mm diameter holes.No droppings near,nor can any movement be seen either evenning or dusk.Wouldnt think they are the moles.Can someone point the possible info to me on their possible ownership.Thanks Maude 

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Bright green Grandaddy lizards, I guess these must be Green Lizards, strangely enough called Lézard vert in French (Lacerta viridis). Fairly common where you are and not normally too afraid of people, diet is mainly insects, beetles, grasshoppers and the like, but also rather partial to soft fruits such as blackberries. The presence of green lizards will have absolutely no bearing on whether you have snakes in the vicinity, in fact it would be rather surprising if you didn't have some snakes around and about.

The holes that you describe have probably been made by either or both field voles and common voles, again very common in undisturbed ground. It's likely that many of these tunnels are no longer in use by the original inhabitants, snakes will often use them to hide away during the day and maybe toads.

Any help?


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put the hose pipe down the holes and see what comes up[:)] only joking the thought of some poor animal trapped drowning would give me nightmares for weeks. try putting some food by the hole and retire to a quite place and watch
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Lots of baby lizards about now (also in 85 )  but never seen any snakes in my garden .....I left an outside wall mounted light on all night and in the morning the wall was covered in hundreds of white moths which stayed all day and the lizards never went near this feast ...........wonder why ?
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Sitting in our veranda this morning working on the laptop. Saw out of the corner of my eye a baby lizard crawing slowly up the wall about two feet away. I shuffled my chair across and talked to him as he slowly crept upwards.  He seemed quite unafraid and eventually climbed onto a wall light bracket.  I went back to the computer and he dangled his head over the edge of the bracket and watched me work.  [:D]

We also have holes in our garden - about 1-2cms across.  I've seen large black beetles diving into them.


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I think that your beetles are most likely to be field crickets SD, do they just come out of the holes a short distance and then dive away as soon as you get near?  If so, try poking a piece of dry grass just into the hole and wiggle it a bit, see what happens.



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Last night.  Off to the loo, after signing off here.  Not a lizard, but a bloody great frog.  Hanging on the wall: apple green with red legs, and looking at me.

"You're going out old son", said I, to which he duly obliged (with some gentle help).

Never a dull moment.

p.s. If CPP has done nothing else in his life (you may well have, but), he has taught many of us not to be 'spookey' about these harmless animals that invade our territory a bit in thse parts. .......... and to treat them with some equally harmless and effortless respect. 



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We have these also and they most definitely look like beetles to me, although i can see that you are very knowledgeable so dont doubt you are right.   Big black things that race back into their holes if you come near them?   The dog and cat absolutely adore them and sit by the holes for hours, fascinated.   I am less than fascinated by them although they havent done me any harm so i have generously resisted temptation to exterminate them.
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