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Propagating a Weeping Willow


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Must confess the other "weeping Willow" thread reminded me of this and its something I've been wanting to do since last year.

How do you propagate a weeping willow. Somebody said you can do it from the thin yellow branches (the ones that "weep" and with the leaves). However, what do you do and when. I am keen to grow a few more and I really like starting from virtually nothing (i.e. using an existing tree)

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Hi Ian

I've never tried using the wands - they all seem to fall off in winter round our way§  But I have done it with branches.  Take any small branch at the end of Feb/start of March, cut it off, poke a hole in the soil with a metal rod to the depth of about 20-25cm and shove the branch in.  Pour in a bit of compost, refirm the soil round about and water it.  It's as easy as that - willows in general have to be about the easiest trees to propagate.  Just make sure it's kept moist at least for the first year and it will romp away.

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