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Coeur de pigeon tomato seed


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We had a 'wild' tomato growing on the vacant plot next to us, lovely little red bite size olive shaped tomatoes, not many on a truss.  the kids loved them. It was sprawling on the grownd quite happily and was coping with just rain.  I saw them in the market and think they are Coeur de pigeon, rouge. 

The builders came to move the bricks etc and ran over the plant! I have tried to save some seed but have never had much luck before. I have looked on about 30 seed sites this morning both French (links found on this forum) and English (from Kitchen Garden Magazine's list)but cannot find seeds for sale.

Does anyone have seed catalogues with obscure varieties? As it was obviously so happy in the garden and thrived on neglect it is probably just the one for me!

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I have to confess - never heard of it.  But if you have saved some seed from mature fruits, this site will tell you how to keep them till next year and get maximum germination - the secret is in fermenting the seed.

How to save tomato seeds for next year

There are lots of sites that give the same advice and it does work.

If all fails, try Thompson & Morgan's French site and buy a packet of Supersweet tomato seed - they are great.  The site is for France residents but it is in English language.  We had new plants sprouting spontaneously this year from some Supersweet that must have dropped last year, as I did not replant in the spot where these sprouted.  Despite being an F1 hybrid they came true - or sufficiently so that we could not tell the difference in size and flavour compared to last year, though the crop was not as heavy.  So I guess that makes them easy to raise, as well!

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Thanks Cassis,

I didn't ferment mine, so will try again.  I have the T & M catalogue, spontaneous tomatoes are exactly what I want!  The Sweet Olive tomato looks interesting too, very similar shape to my 'mystery' toms. I have put Supersweet and those in my 'basket'. I like to try new ones each year.

  By the way do you spray for blight and if so with what?  I used to grow Ferline OK outdoors in Suffolk but the Red Alert always got blight (although my self sown ones don't here yet which is interesting)  I didn't spray there though as I also had greenhouse Toms.

Off to my first french class now, I bet I will be old and grey before we get to gardening french LOL.



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I don't spray for blight until it appears on the leaves, which is usually not until mid season.  I use Bouillie Bordelaise in a weak mix and try to cover any forming fruit when I spray.  I cut off any obviously infected leaf parts.  Cutting the lower leaves off the plant once trusses are forming further up (and there is plenty of leaf on top) also seems to help keep it under control.  Always seems to be a worse problem outdoors than in the greenhouse.

Have you tried Roma?  An excellent plum variety, espec. for the greenhouse.  Good for bottling, very firm and fleshy.

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Simpsons of Warminster ship tom seeds all over the world and they have  great variety.  There is also the Organic Catalogue people who have a huge range and Edwin Tucker of Totnes in Devon who also ships to France.  Here I am going off the subject as always but this year had shipped from Jersey seed pots for Jersey Royals superb.  If anyone needs the email address please let me know.  Not connected in any way no money passes hands just thought you might be interested.
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I havn't got a greenhouse here and am advised it would be too hot in summer cassis, will they grow outside ok?

I did look at Simpsons, and the Organic Catalogue to no avail, I have e-mailed Edwin Tucker as their seed catalogue isn't on line yet.  Simpsons do have some really excellent seeds so I have sent for a catalogue.

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I just looked at Plantes-et-Jardin again, through all the tomatoes and searched for 'pigeon' and 'coeur' again but can only find le cerisier 'Bigarreau Cœur de Pigeon'  .  a Cherry Tree!

Why can't I find them!!!!! Please send me  a link Mooky!

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Hi DonnaD

Did your tom plants have thorns? I found a wild Tom plant with small olive size/shape fruits(sorry cant remenber the name right now as i have just woken up) at RHS Rosemoor in Devon. They gave me some seeds from their plant , but I only grew it once as it was to painful to look after, but the fruits were lovely.

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That link leads to Cherry trees as whips and in pots, Prunus cerasus 'Bigarreau Coeur de Pigeon'
Cerisier Gros coeuret Famille :Rosacéesor and pigeon repeller!  Granted they do look like tomatoes ;-)

Searching for 'coeur de pigeon tomatE' also does not bring them up. I give up now! Thanks for trying Mooky.

.....I have found 3,slightly squashed by lorry, tomatoes by the wall and have put the pips in a glass to ferment. 

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