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prep for winter,


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Now I know some people may think that talking about winter in july isnt on, but I just thought that my days work today may help the new comers think about whats in store in the coming months,( dept 23 we do have winter snow and freezing conditions)

Ive been cutting my next winters logs to size and storing them away,

My local friendly farmer phoned to say he was delivering logs now and would I be willing to take a delivery, Yes was my reply and the 5 steres arrived at 8am this morning.

I bought one of those electric log cutting machines last year and thought Id pass on what I thought of them, ie good or a waste of money,

the machine is made so that it,s only  really for the logs,

Its a saw wheel mounted on a metal frame with two transport wheels that when the frame is tipped forward the complete machine can be moved,

it has a saftey cover over the cutting wheel and an emer/cut off device should it be needed that is operated by your knee under the machine stand, and also an on/off button for normal use.

I feel this machine was well worth the money and both saves time and the wood can be cut to the same size throughout, and is a very safe machine to use.

The wood is presented to the saw blade by putting it on a shelf that is then held secure by a toothed handle that is then pushed in contact with the saw blade,"your hands are safe and do not come near the rotating blade"

I started to move the wood from the delivery place (APPROX 100YRDS) from the barn Ive been doing the cutting  in, "at 10am this morning and by 7-30pm "tonight I,d cut all the wood stored it in the old chicken house and cleared every thing away.

I did pre buying this machine do all this with a chain saw, but to be honest, It is worth buying this purpose built machine.

So if your thinking how to do this sort of work?? I hope this helps you decide. ps all this wood is dry wood and can be used this winter. newly cut wood known as wet wod must not be used until 100% dry, "you have been warned,

Happy gardening[Www]

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I have replied to this but for some reason I dont seen to see it on the site, so here goes again,




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Hi Horn,

Now your asking, Ive just cut 5 stere and the average 12 in, hard wood, but Ive also cut 18in, round logs,

the length is up to you on this machine as it   has a loading metal shelf approx 18 inch long that has a chain to ensure the shelf is secure and safe, once the log is loaded you push a handle forward  towards the  rounded h/duty blade) that cuts the wood to the length you decide you want, "If you overload the machine with a to large or you put to much force into the blade cutting the wood? the machine has a cut out device and to restart you wait a second or two and just press the start button and try again with a little less haste and let the blade cut in a sensible time, It also has a safe/cover that falls down over the blade so you cant put your hands near the cutting area. and you can continue to play piano when not cutting logs.

You can have as long  wood as you like at the end that your wood is if you use a tressle or some other means of securing this length and just cut away the lengths you want until you,ve no wood left, Its a bit like a sauage machine idea "you feed in the  long wood at one end and logs cut to size come out the other

very simple and very quick, a good day spent using this machine and you,ll have enough logs to see you through the winter.

Ive cut lengths 12feet long and just fed them in @ 16in (ideal for our log burner) cuts, and as I say just some support at the end and away you go.

I found the most time spent was stacking the logs up in the old hen house, but these logs are for future use, (next year or the year after)

as Ive a pile left over from last year inspite of burning all through the winter, and her indoors likes the fire on all day and late into the night and even puts a log on when we,re going to bed to keep our dog warm,

So as you can see I needed a device that works and this one is worth having,

good gardening.





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  • 1 month later...

Pun ...........

Had been looking for something like this, so have bought one on your advice.

Went over to the L-M branch at Avignon and saw the device. Ordered it and picked it up (2 wks dlvry) last week.

It's all a bit damp around and about just now, so will wait for a day or two till things dry out and I can give the thing a go.  Will report back on success (or otherwise!)

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Pun (and anybody else who's interested)....................

Excellent device and as you said, worth every penny.

I had 3 steres delivered yesterday, which was already cut in 50cm lengths, so most of that just needed stacking. There was however, loads of other stuff to be cut, ranging from long lengths of fallen branches (15cms diam) to tree stumps that I couldn't face trying to saw through, to old pallets to be cut up as 'starters' for the fire.

Nothing needs to be added to your description of how it works, except to confirm that it's as safe as anything like this ever is. Just treat it with respect and don't rush it.  Wear all the sensible (no, essential) safety gear.

I may not use this thing for more than a couple of days every year, but it would have taken me forever to cut by hand and probably done my ticker no particular good!

Order to availability at the store was 10 days - you'd probably get it in to a biggish estate car. Happily, my neighbour took me in his clapped-out white van, where it sat in the back with the sand / gravel / sundry other crap that's normally in there!

Thanks again for your recommendation.


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Hi,  Ian,

Sorry Ive only just got back to you, Im in the middle of doing the Gite up and its one job after an other,

but Im really pleased the log cutting is going so well, and you r  happy with the machine,

As you say you'll only use it once or twice a year but it will do the job quick and last for years.


I'LL think of you when the weathers freezing and I LIKE YOU WILL BE VERY WARM.

Good gardening, regards Pun.

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