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peas and beans together


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With regard to the gravitational pull of the moon. All fluids on Earth

will be affected by tidal drag, I am informed by someone with a very

large number of letters both before and after his name. However, the

size of the fluid body will dictate whether or not this is noticable on

an "everyday" scale. For example, the Mediterranean is not tideless as

is commonly held, but the tidal movement for this "small" body of water

is insignificant to most observers. A village duckpond has tides, but

measuring them would be a trick.

Ground water, therefore, is not going to show movements on a scale that

would be comparable to that of a seed. And as for appreciably drawing

water up a stem or down a root - I don't think so.

Part of the problem is that a lot of this moon gardening lark is

muddled up with astrology and the like. Even though I make a great

effort to keep an open mind and not discard hypotheses on the basis of

dogma, this does come into the category of "mumbo jumbo" for me. But

then, us Capricorns are known for our rationality and level headiness


However, some serious work has been done by Cornell and the University

of Iowa. I found it in my copy of the "Agricultural Notebook." It seems

that the germination of some seeds is favoured at certain phases of the

moon, and these line up with the moon gardening chart I got free with a

magazine in 2004, though there are far more on my chart than were in

the book. They are very careful not to offer any explanation as to why

this should be the case, and anyway point out that good rates of

germination are not necessarily linked to improved yields as the after

care of crops is a far bigger influence on these.

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