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Grants for growing on land of about one hectare or more


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We're not sure really. Either a small subsidy for planting something such as trees, or hedges etc, or even set aside. But then as you said, you probably have to be registered as a farmer.

We have two fields, and were trying to think of a way to utlise them for something useful. (we are not part of a farm, but the land is attached to our garden)

Thanks for trying to help.

Ann 33

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If you are planting the trees yourself you may find you only pay 5.5% TVA on the trees. Last year I planted a load (160) of small trees (about 1m high) and was only charged 5.5% TVA. I asked why and he (guy supplying them) said that if he was planting them then it would be full TVA on everything but as I ws planting them it was only 5.5%.

(Before people start, it was a proper company, Siret number, also has a shop premises, proper receipts, etc. I didn't bribe anybody, no cash in hand (paid by cheque), police have not visited about the transaction, gave nothing other than money for the trees, etc.)


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In La Manche we are lucky enough to have a scheme where you can apply for different types of trees (very small saplings) during the summer and then we collect them around now for planting in the hedgerows to fill in any gaps.  They are only a few euros each so you can afford to buy as many as you feel able to plant and nurture.

The ones we bought under this scheme last year are all doing very well.

Hope you can find something similar in your area!

Best wishes





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What's the name of the scheme and to whom did you apply, Norm?  More info, please! 

Is this the hedgerow scheme that I heard of?  The previous owners of our place planted 150m of mixed native hedge using free saplings under a similar scheme but I never found out the details.  Various willows, wild plums, field maple and all sorts of other stuff.

SORRY - posted same time as Dick.

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There are schemes for hedgerows in a large number of regions, and they apply equally to private individuals and farmers alike, it's a subsidy, but only for part of the cost. Each area in France is different and there are Associations to help you with it, unfortunately, as of yet, I don't think that any of them have web sites set up. I am told that your Mairie should either have the information or be able to find it for you. I have the contact for Poitou-Charentes somewhere.

From what I have seen so far, most of the species are what I would call "medium" value from a wildlife perspective, not bad, but not ideal, not quite the mix that you would traditionally have had in a hedgerow. Having looked at it, I decided that I would rather have "the real thing" which takes time rather than money, but each to their own.



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Dear Dick, Cassis and all

I have two old copies of the brochures to hand - we got them from our Mairie:

1. Creer ou renouver des haies bocageres, les aides du Conseil General de la Manche


2. Ameliorons la qualite de nos haies

Le Conseil General de la Manche helps 'particuliers' and farmers (you don't have to be a farmer) by distributing 30,000 'plants' to maintain the 'bocage'.

There is a form attached which you fill in, specifying what hedge type you have or what trees you'd like to order and then you detach and send it to Chambre Departementale d'Agriculture de la Manche, Service Boisement, MM CLERAN et PESTEL, Maison de l'Agriculture, Avenue de PAris, 50009 SAINT-LO cedex.

Service boisement au 02 33 06 49 91.

On the old brochure the cost of trees (very small!) were 0.20 Euros.  You can buy them in multiples of 5 up to a maximum of 50: Erable champetre, erable sycamore, aulne glutineux, chene pedoncule, frene, prunellier, charme, chataignier, coudrier, hetre, merisier.

The form has to be submitted by mid Sept and then they are available mid/late November (or later in other areas).

Hope that helps!





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