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white fluff balls on pine trees


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Just a warning - we've got a couple of white fluff balls at the top of our pine trees - not snow!  A Google search suggested it's caused by an aphid previously released by beekeepers, for the bees to feed on. In Greece, they have got out of hand and are destroying trees. A quick look around local woods revealed other similar ones. My problem (or my other half's problem) is getting up the tree safely to destroy the little -------.

Of course I may be completely wrong - anyone else seen them or know about them?


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Thankyou Peter,

It does indeed seem to be the dreaded processional caterpillars. However, not too bad, as the very helpful accueil staff at Gamme Vert pointed out that while they are in their 'cocon' they are sleeping and will do no damage. He thought the best bet would be to chop off the cocooned branches if we could and put them on the bonfire - taking care not to touch them as they are very skin irritant. Alternatively, we could wait until next spring and spray them with 'insect polyvalente'.

So - a good result. We now know what to do and will be on the lookout in future. What would we do without this site?



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My advise is to cut them now and burn them!!! They are only in that cocoon during the day and they come out to feed over night. It doesn't matter what the temperature is, they will come out in sub zero temps! They seem to attract dogs by the pheromone they leave when they go from tree to tree. They don't do that very often, but they do do it to find more food which is the pine needles. They will also come out during the day if it is nice warm and fine and form processions across the ground. They will do the same in the spring . That is the time that they come down from the trees to find soft ground to pupate in.

If a dog picks one up the result is, unless treated very quickly, the tounge will swell and go black and the outh and throat do the same. Result, the dog can die in agony.

The link is the thread that I started. Please read it through and have a look at ALL of the links included. These things are dangerous to people with certain heart conditions as well as to children who may find and pick up a 'nice little caterpillar' and are extreamly bad for dogs. Not sure about cats...

Apart from that they destroy the trees they live in and cause a tremendous amount of damage.

You can probably tell, I don't like them! The last ones that I burned were the day before yesterday and they were right in the top of one of our tallest trees.

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Jonzjob ..........

I read this thread last night and (as a result) the earlier one.  A day or two ago, I found some (0.5m2) snow-like fluff on the wall of my log store - almost as if someone had used some of that spray can snow.  The wood in the store is all oak, as are the trees surrounding us - no conifers.  No sign of the bad guys.

Something else? (like someone with a can of spray snow?!!) 

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Not the faintest idea of what that could be GdG. Sounds like some kind of fungus? Or there is an oak processionary, but they will only go for the leaves, not the wood. So it can't be them...

Any chance of a photograph. ChrisPP may be able to help?

Have you got children that may have a can of snow spray peut etra?

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