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Orange beetles? - how do you post a photo?

friend of stouby

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Thanks Jay Jay, I did try a quick search but didn't find your info .....  it was late. A photo should appear here but if it doesn't will someone please tell me. The photo is restricted to 400 pix wide but if it is possible to insert larger now I have much larger. Or if it is better cropped to one beetle just let me know.

These are on an old fruit tree with a lot of moss and they appear in greater numbers on the old trees, but they are found all round the outside of the house too (often on shutters or just on the wall), plus many shrubs.

We live opposite a very large oak forest, so don't know if that is relevant.

Thanks again, Jamie




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Hello again Jay Jay

thanks to you and the forum I have now got it down to   Pyrrhocoris apterus  

As we don't grow cabbage (yet) they will not both us at all, and often just walking around outside they are such a striking sight when massed together that we just have to stop and watch them for a while, we are fortunate to have them.

We have a second bug which we wish to identify as we think it may have a more serious agenda, but don't have a photo of that. It's found indoors and outdoors (near to the house), flies badly, is a little flatter and larger than these, and is a grey brown in colour. It sometimes appears singly during the evening indoors and is on occasion attracted to the lights, although we see them during the daytime too but mainly outdoors then. Hope to have a photo of one of these in around a couple of weeks time when we retun to France and hope to be able to prevail on your generous help again.

Thank you Jay Jay







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Hiya Jamie, tis me again!!![blink] Pleased to have been of some help. We don't actually have gendarme in our garden, in fact the only time I have seen them was at Rennes airport, where there were 100's which was amazing. I sat for ages just watching them going about their business.

Just a thought, I wonder if your other bug is a shield bug, see what you think http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shield_bug  [;-)]

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"As we don't grow cabbage (yet) they will not both us at all"

Ermmm, cabbage? Fire bugs don't eat cabbage, they eat fallen seeds and dead insects.

I think that there should be a section devoted to Punaise, they crop up on a regular enough basis.[:)]


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Sorry if I slipped up there Chris, but somewhere this morning I read that cabbage was the only vegatable likely to be eaten. The trouble is there are a few look-a-likes so may have been one of them and not this specific insect ( Pyrrhocoris apterus ) that I identified as being exactly what we have.


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  • 1 month later...


We've got these too in Department 66 PO are they harmless on the outside of the house?  I panicked last year thinking they might be some member of the termite family - phewww!!!  Had all my relatives in UK looking on the internet trying to identify, even brought a dead one back with us - eventually thought they must be some kind of ladybird, you're right, they are beautiful, thank goodness for this forum.


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Got hundreds, probably thousands of them around the garden just wandering round doing their bug things - don't bother the seedlings of anything, just seem to forage round for the ground litter.  And they're all copulating like ............... firebugs, loads of them joined at the tail.

Also saw the most beautifil irridescent red and green bug yesterday, lovely lizard, again irridescent at friends house yesterday, must have been a foot long.

Love it here, so much wildlife to see and most of it has more than two legs unlike East London where I used to live.

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Punaises - YUK! Our house is FULL of them! Not only do they stink if you squish them but the stinky stuff burns your skin too so beware! My baby son managed to squish one on his face and it really came up red and sore. They also love to get into our clean clothes for some reason - more than one of the delightful little things has been re-located when we've opened a suitcase in a foreign land! And don't even mention the number of times I've got right to the end of ironing a particularly troublesome fitted sheet / king size duvet cover, only to hear that "crunch" followed by that horrible "green" smell, usually followed by lots of swearing and another washing machine load!

If anyone knows how to encourage them not to live in and around our house (short of hoovering them up or grabbing them individually and chucking them out of the window which is all we do at the moment) we'd be eternally grateful!



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