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More Slugs

JSA Aude

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If you can get some liquid slug killer(slug clear) that works on the slugs & snails as they breed and hide in the soil, that should be safe. Unfortunately, I've yet to find it in France. 

I've seen it on UK ebay.; it costs £5 to buy & £3 postage to France or if you have anyone driving over from the UK, you could ask them to bring you some.

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Hi JSA, new pup eh??? Lovely job. What make, because if it's a lab and like ours then it may well just get a liking for garlic??

What I do is a bit time consuming at first, but I go out just after dark with a pair of long tweezers that I make from split bambooo, easy to do, and a torch and I pick the things up and drop them into some white spirit and burn them... The first couple of days you will get a lot, especially if it has been wet, but they will start to get fewer until there are not very many at all. Nothing to put down, except the slugs, and nowt for the pup to pick up.... Job done.

Good luck. Must meet up again sometime!

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[quote user="Bastet"]

If you can get some liquid slug killer(slug clear) that works on the slugs & snails as they breed and hide in the soil, that should be safe. Unfortunately, I've yet to find it in France. 



I bought some of the "slug clear" stuff while in England but it says on the instructions "for ornamantal plants only" so be careful

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My son picked 50 of the horrible things just from the rhubarb plant. Disgusting creatures they are.  I have a complete plague of them.  Do you think any french restaurants would be interested if I advertised free snails.[:)]  I have used pellets but do not want to harm birds.
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Would that be garlic salt? We used to use table salt...you don't need much...but it has to be renewed after rain.

I tried not to kill the little creatures...but when they attacked my lettuces...I decided that enough was enough...however I did relocate two large orange ones to an unused part of our land today...along with two huge snails.



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I have some tuberose in pots with "billes d'argile" as a decorative soil cover. They have not been attacked by slugs since I put it on. Perhaps the slugs can't cope with all the ups and downs. I have also observed that some basil seedlings which are in a polystyrene box have not been attacked while those in a conventional seed tray have. Can anyone else confirm this?
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Yes, my basil seedlings were munched whilst in a plastic seed tray; now they're transplanted into pots I'll have to keep an eye on them. Sorry, haven't raised any in polystyrene to compare them to.   

We have the "billes d'argile" around the hostas and I still regularly pick off snails from the leaves and I think there are slugs which were in the pots before we added this.  This is why I wanted to try the liquid - hit them while they're asleep....

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The best thing is the Nematode solution (see my post of the 27th); then you don't have to worry about birds, pets or hedgehogs, or hunting in the dark!  Thanks for the tip about ebay, I'm off to have a look and also to Google as no-one seems to have come across this stuff in France.

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I bought some garlic granules today, so can't wait till tomorrow to see how they have worked! I use gravel and bran as my main lines of defence these days, with the addition of wood frames with copper tape stuck round them, plus vaseline spread on the top for the lettuces, but have tried beer traps, crushed egg shells, slug powdery stuff and loads more. I can kill 50-70 early morning and late evening - I go round with a pot of salt and sprinkle it on them these days!

My broad beans are the worst hit - practically nothing left1 Lettuces aren't too bad - but they are the best protected salads in the country, I should think.

Really hoping for good things from garlic granules!

Many thanks, Jo



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[quote user="Geranium"]

The best thing is the Nematode solution (see my post of the 27th); then you don't have to worry about birds, pets or hedgehogs, or hunting in the dark!  Thanks for the tip about ebay, I'm off to have a look and also to Google as no-one seems to have come across this stuff in France.


WWW.plantes-et-jardins.com sell anti slug nematodes €24,30 for a sachet which will treat up to 30sqm

www.rootrainers.co.uk charge £10.50 for a similar size pack and will deliver outside the UK

I have been digging up slugs, some the size of small snakes so I will try this for the veg patch .

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